[INFO][Bot #1][07/14 02:43:25 PM]: / Pathfinding error, source: [x=2758, y=3477, z=0] and target: [x=2840, y=10127, z=0], report this to Czar immediately!
receiving pathfinding errors no matter where I start after receiving 30 smithing/quests.
EDIT: Figured out a fix. This error was occuring after the quests/receiving 30 smithing and trying to get to Keldagrim. I manually had to walk there and start the blast furnace quest and the bot started working fine.
One other problem is the gp/hr seems to be innacurate. Not sure where the values are pulled from but its quite higher then what im actually getting. It is calculating steel bars being made for a 217gp profit when its around 130-140 right now. Honestly feeling a bit baited by the gp/hr since its twice what im actually getting.