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Everything posted by Kyle

  1. Yeah there is multiplayer for last of us, pretty fun actually. you play maps that are from the storyline, and pretty much get parts (somewhat like csgo) where every round you get money, and for kills and doing other stuff, you get money.
  2. just fyi, if we play ranked together, i'll probably start bitching about people using variants
  3. Got gta5, aw, bloodborne,last of us, add me @deathlyraccoon cousin broke ps4 and i'm buying a new one in a couple of days. I mostly play AW, and when I do, I only do Gb's or ranked play. I don't do public matches.
  4. why is there a bloodveld
  5. Ouch, what's the scam tab method?
  6. pterodactyl* but yeah, this is my fav dino. would def fuck some shit up
  7. I see where you're coming from. Something that warns people before they download normal client. Would say like normal client is much more likely to get you banned would be a great addition. Would make more people buy vip too @maldesto
  8. those are the specialist weapons that are 1 shot killing people. it's not a primary and you can't use it for long.
  9. Kyle


    Hey man, welcome
  10. but what if jagex is not kill?
  11. kinda hard if you take the job to stare at ass all day.
  12. oh lmao i wasn't trying to talk you out of switching pools with the boner thing, i was just being stupid.
  13. read it, but make it spaced out more. was an eyesore reading that. anyways, i'd get the hell out of the pool for 10.50 an hour tbh. can't you ask to be assigned somewhere safer? 10.50 an hour isn't high enough for the risk. (at least for me) if you were working at a pool with hot ass, wouldn't you be worried you would be poppin' monster hard -ons 24/7 ? like what if you had to go save someone, you'd be poking them with your pork sword
  14. Kyle


    Hey man, welcome
  15. Kyle


    welcome man
  16. Kyle


    avatar in sig or riot
  17. being serious, 20m $ + instead of kyle i could be kylie... jenner.....
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