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TzTok Jad

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Everything posted by TzTok Jad

  1. No shit, but even NIN admitted Cash took over that song, that is HIS song.
  2. I doubt it, I reported it but after began to think of the implications. Saying this isn't okay but something else is isn't cool, so OP has a right to make a shitty post like this. Other people also have a right to call it out for the shit it is.
  3. To garner attention because we live in an era in which everyone is trying to produce "lols" even though they are providing mediocre shallow content; he ironically adds in the South Park clip which is known satire towards modern America so it does nothing in his favor.
  4. Serious. As someone whose been around autistic children, it isn't funny it's distasteful and shitty. Growing up my best friends sister was autistic constantly dealing with her daily struggles; to add to this you have the general public who doesn't know how to handle the shit and you get a clusterfuck of shit. Joking about it isn't funny the challenges I've seen a little girl face simply because her brain is wired differently confounds me. OK autism is funny, now go make fun of a 3 year old who can't speak because he is on the spectrum even though he tries extremely hard to form words.
  5. You aren't funny. Also when did autism become a fucking staple insult on the fucking Internet? Get a fucking grip.
  6. write about climate change and how lately the poorer more underdeveloped regions are the ones combating while powerhouses such as U.S. aren't even batting an eye at climate change, minus a few cities within the U.S.
  7. I'm not trying to berate you or anything but I really think it would benefit you greatly to learn the basics first, all of this trivial you should be able to come up with the solution on your own after just an hour of reading or even less.
  8. I don't know about you but my friends still remain even made new awesome friends through coworkers, but yeah I am only shooting to please myself.
  9. I approve even suggested this back in 13' got flamed. Post count towards spam/offtopic is backwards as fuck, and legit have one worded responses to OT threads for no reason.
  10. ur girlfriend is weak ur worth fiighting for u r number 1 u will pull thru u r better than her/ u will find gud woman 2 make sandwhichs and pull ur dick it will happen trust me op
  11. Looks awesome, DIY Is so fun too. I am curious to see lit up with a projection on it though
  12. There is the ignorance, Sanders wasn't running on pure socialist policies, subsidized healthcare (like AU,CA,UK) eliminate college tuition (that's a long shot but very doable) Sanders ran on REAL issues. His policies where socialist yes but they are on par with the rest of the developed nations. Sanders wanted to close tax loopholes, if major corporations paid their taxes properly we wouldn't have a national debt, we wouldn't need to subsidize Walmart. His tax plan wouldn't have even affect most Americans because most Americans aren't in the proper bracket. Tax system is disproportionate as fuck, something I haven't seen another candidate actually discuss. @Your graph I admit I shot the gun on that statistic but regardless seeing a downward trend; I would also like correlation vs first time arrivals & repeat arrivals. Also a graphic indicating estimated amount in the country per year would help too.
  13. @your police response It's well documented that we charge and incarcerate at a much higher rate than the rest of the world, majority of prison population is black. Systematic racism is real, it's not as big as protesters are making it out to be but it is real. We've seen it time and time again a white person will get lesser repercussions on the same charge as a black person, these are facts. No doubt this would carry over to other minorities as well.
  14. Logistically impossible because of the amount of resources time money required. Yes Obama and Clinton had detailed policies on their campaign websites, Obama and Clinton actually debated vs a shit show for TV. I fail to see how we need more national security, illegal immigration is at a low right now and has been trending downwards. I would also like to add that I did vote for Donald because it's well known that Hillary is a warmonger and selfish. Donald is unstable, he flip flops, he seems to take the opinion of the last 'good friend's he's spoke to. It's a shame people are ignorant Bernie Sanders had an unbelievable platform with consistent views that spanned over decades, a genuinely good man and we blew it.
  15. It's no mystery why Trump won, we've all been watching as the man took the podium and said absolutely nothing but blanket statements and what people want to hear; it wasn't until recently in the election that he started to actually dish out policy. I fail to "Reason" behind rhetoric involving building a (logistically) impossible wall, and deporting an entire group of people simply because of their religion, I understand he's back tracked on that last statement, but that's what garnered his support, also he statement about Mexico intentionally sending rapist/murders over. I support Donald as president, I hope he does a good job, but I'm not holding my breath. He's done some good in my opinion so far by having contact with Taiwan, but I don't like him as an individual and I don't think he has America's best interest at heart. It's not surprising since America IS a prison state. And you never actually responded to my statement at all.
  16. What isn't fear mongering about "they are sending their rapist and killers over here", also you folks whom speak about immigrants taking your jobs, you say it's the immigrants fault, I say it's the person who has hired the immigrants. But did you here that being spoke about? No you didn't Trump picked a strawman that is common in most major countries and that's illegal immigrants, he says he's gonna build a wall right? That wall isn't stopping farmer Joe, or a rich real estate mogul from employing illegals.
  17. I support neither, both are unfit for presidency. Trump is the fringe candidate, he did not appeal to reason. He appealed to racism, hate, and fear, and he won. The democratic party are also to blame for Trump being elected, they disenfranchised their own voters because we weren't shooting for the choice candidate. Trump is president, and the DNC is to blame.
  18. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B10BxYZqa1Q&feature=player_embedded PUDDIPUDDIPUDDIPUDDIPUDDIPUDDI
  19. Never botted Quest: Dslayer Animal Mag and a few others nothing big though USERNAME LOGIN Account created in 2007.
  20. I honestly don't bot and havent in a while. But @Czar he's number 1! and @FrostBug is #0! Love these guys
  21. 4m, eta would be 48 hours as I don't rush and do it for fun. btw loved your GDK script way back in the day. Skype: Live:Heroez7
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