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Everything posted by z0rbius
I'm also interested in trying this
Could I get a trial please?
Mirror mode, 50ms reaction, script has gotten stuck as soon as starting the last few times ive tried to use it, it will just walk to a bank open,close,open,close,open,close then just sits there doing nothing, i already have all the items needed in the bank so it doesnt neee anything but to do the quest
Anyone got a good place to start the script with settings? I had it running for a little over an hour and a half I believe with only about 5k profits
Any tips on how to set it up to make some good cash? Ive got it running right now at ge and havent picked a single item up
How has your ban rate been? And do you run this script on stealth or mirror? I ask because my laptop cant hardly run a mirror client but im getting a bit better computer later today
Trial please il try to get some proggies
Do you have to have the digsite pendant and for bird houses you just need the houses and seeds right?
Title has most the important stats I never use the account anymore honestly had forgotten about it since I botted on it and it was banned up until just a week or so ago when I was able to get an accepted ban appeal for a second chance on the account but i really have no use for it as I have too many other accs and gp from this account could help me get the little bot farm im trying to get going going. Thanks in advance for all inputs.
What kind of starter? I have an account that was an obby mauler tank until i lvled att a bit to get better weapons, but also has 80-95hunter dont remember exactly havent used the account in forever as im getting into making a small gold farm and that account has an old bot ban on it so I wouldnt bot it.
The only issue ive noticed is with special enabled it switchs between inventory and combat style tab super fast back and forth occasionally and seems to get stuck like that until you move your screen or do something to free it. Other then that Great script man! As always you guys have put out another awesome script and il be getting it here shortly. It has been doing great with vannaka slayer lvl 1-33 currently and has completed ice warriors, kalphite, another task and currently doing trolls.
Anyway I could also get a trial?
If i could get a trial on this that would be great needing a good combat script
No i was using the dueling/games for cost effectiveness but was hoping it would still tele with glory for pk escape, but il mess with it more when i have accs that can use it agian my bot got banned earlier today
Is there anyway I could get a day or 2 trial? Love your hunter script and would like to see if this ones the same quailty because if so I want it.
I had 15 charged glories in the bank and one equiped but it still tries to run to 20 wildy for v tab, maybe deselecting vtab option would revert it back to glory? Havent messed with settings too much yet but already made me 2m great script man thanks agian! Oh last question is there a way to move or hide the paint and task stuff, i dont like not being able to see the chat box
1 issue so far, once the bot collects a looting bag it wont open it for me, it just tries to store bones etc in a closed bag and reloops . its been running for almost an hour now and so far so good other then that, the only other suggestion i would have would be to use glory teleports as an alternate tele for pkers so you can tele while in combat with a green dragon
Not so much the dialouge, but the responses, its kind of weird to see an account complete several quests in a row without any kind of hesitiation inbetween or pause when chat options come up where a player would have to read them to decide what they wanted or time to look at a quest guide for the response they need to select but the bot instantly selects options almost as the text changes. Agian loving the bot though this thing is a beast.
Working absolutely amazing right now, already done 5-6 quests flawlessly, they only improvement i would suggest is maybe to slow down the bots talk/ conversation option selections and maybe add a bit of a pause (for human like contemplating/reading) because it zooms through any and all text dialouges, and maybe implement other banks othen the just fally to randomize it a bit. But the script is absolutely amazing great job man!
Hows everyones ban rate seem to have been?
Just a warning only made it to level 32 hunter before being banned with progressive leveling and i took 3 different breaks varying in length during the time i was botting on my first acfount, the second went from 1-43 in one sitting(with log out and rest breaks? Currently in good standing still.
I really hope you donated to this person for their script past the original $10
I aswell would like I trial of the script to test it out
Hello everyone, Im looking to buy a lower combat level void d bow rusher with higher range, lets see what everyones got, will be paying in osrs gp