All right.
As for the capes; if you are able to lend me an account that I could use for development, I could consider taking a look. If so, feel free to send me a message on Discord.
Did you follow the instructions as stated on the thread? Often supposed issues with the butler are caused by improper setup.
That being said, the script is not necessarily optimized to do those benches in combination with a butler so you might receive better gp/hr going for e.g. dining tables.
The trial expired before you used it. It starts from the moment I grant it. I've granted you the benefit of the doubt and reactivated your trial. It is active as of this very moment and will be for another 6 hours.
Are you positive you follow the instructions to the tad? That is, the number of planks you asked from the butler are exactly the same, you set-up the butler accordingly prior to starting the script, etc?
The way things are written, there'll be some constraints which I'm currently not planning on lifting to be frank. Thanks for thinking with me though.
As for the sort; not such a bad idea. Any chance you could send me a PM regarding this? (Either on forums or via Discord)
As for the first two things that you mentioned; I'm aware that they can be a pain but unfortunately I will not be able to make changes to those.
As for the last point regarding the script waiting with building until the butler is back; this is done intentionally to ensure that the script also works better when there is lag/latency and is therefore required to achieve longer runtimes. As otherwise the butler can sometimes come back too soon unexpectedly, messing up the inventory item counts.
You most likely did not set it up correctly as per the instructions .