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Eagle Scripts

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Everything posted by Eagle Scripts

  1. This requires a bank but it is on the todo to look into adding UIM support.
  2. Sure thing. Trial granted .
  3. Do you still need this?
  4. Glad to hear you're liking it! Of course always feel free to leave a review in the store
  5. I can try and take a look into these in the near future when I find some time. Mind PMing me this on Discord?
  6. Please either contact me via PM or on Discord concerning private script inquiries, not on the threads of my public scripts .
  7. You're currently the only one that has asked for this across all customers. I can try and consider it if it turns out you're not the only one. Anybody else who would like to see this included?
  8. Sure thing. Trial granted. Thanks, sounds good. Make sure to try and have the logger visible in that video as well .
  9. V1.20 Has been pushed. - Small changes to the progress hat retrieval
  10. All right. So the issue is that it clicks on the position to walk to it, even though is already standing on that exact tile?
  11. Are you using mirror or injection?
  12. Sure thing. Trial granted .
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