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Eagle Scripts

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Everything posted by Eagle Scripts

  1. Try this client, it should work. http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?file_id=00382358601544530823
  2. AIO Construction's BETA is live! You've all been authed. Please send me feedback & proggies through skype (:
  3. I'm very sorry, i'm also irritated by the fact that the client still hasn't been updated on this matter. I've just send Alek an message, he should be working on the bug soon. About the client, I have no idea. When i run a older version of the bot i'm just able to run it. I'm not sure though if this is only for scripters.
  4. Awesome, please apply here --> http://osbot.org/forum/topic/89168-testers-needed-aio-constructions-tester-thread/
  5. I'm aware of this problem, unfortunately this problem isninside the client so its not something i can fix. If its still not fixed with future updates of the client i'd recommend you to dl the older version i have posted. That one should work.
  6. Thankyou for applying, added you on skype. Thankyou for applying, added you on skype. I'll msg you when you're good to go ;)
  7. I'm aware of this, unfortunately this is because of the recent Osbot client update. Untill this is fixed i'd advise you to use the older client --> http://www.filedropper.com/osbot213606
  8. Hello all, AIO Construction has been nearly finished for BETA release. I need a few testers who are willing to test the script and report me all known bugs so I can fix all bugs before I'm launching this as a Premium Script. If you're willing to help me out please fill out the application form below. AIO Construction's Thread : http://osbot.org/forum/topic/73693-perfect-construction-castle-warsvarrocktabs100-objectsmirror-clientbutler/?p=815334 Beta tester application: How long can you bot per day?: Mirror mode/Injection?: Will you post all proggies?: Will you report every bug/issue?: Your skype:
  9. I'll be on holidays from the 19th - 26th. If your K-fisher is bugging with the recent Osbot client, launch K-Fisher with 2.3.136 OSBot Client version. (It works flawless with this client)
  10. Thankyou for reporting the bug, I am already aware of this since its something with the new Osbot update. I've already made a bug report to the Osbot developers. K-Fisher should work fine with Osbot 2.3.136 I'd recommend you to run that version for K-Fisher at the moment.
  11. It doesnt, its a fisher which only has karamja support.
  12. Looking into it. Fixed, update has been pushed.
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