Servers are located in Germany, contact me if you need other locations or have any questions.
We can offer you free support to setup the server for botting OSRS, you will ofcourse recieve full root access to the servers. Linux Distributions will be installed for free, contact us if you specifically need Windows.
We also sell proxies for 2.5$ per IP - these are datacenter IP's with 99.9% uptime to be used for 24/7 botting - Residential IP's are needed for account creation.
Intel Core i7-4770 32 GB RAM 2x 2 TB HDD | 1Gbps Unlimited Traffic - 60$ per month
Intel Xeon E3-1246V3 32 GB RAM 2x 2 TB HDD 1 Gbps Unlimited Traffic - 70$ per month
Intel Xeon E3-1246V3 32 GB RAM 2x 256 GB SSD 1 Gbps Unlimited Traffic - 80$ per month
Intel Xeon E3-1275v5 64 GB RAM 2x 480 GB SSD 1 Gbps Unlimited Traffic - 100$ per month
Intel Xeon E5-1650V2 128 GB RAM 2x 480 GB SSD 1 Gbps Unlimited Traffic - 120$ per month
Intel Xeon E5-1650V3 256 GB RAM 2x 480 GB SSD 1 Gbps Unlimited Traffic - 200$ per month
Send us a PM for orders, or questions.