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  1. Why search for a job, instead you can create your own company?
  2. Prolax

    Super Stealer

    Works at Master Farmer too?
  3. Perfect script, thanks APA!
  4. Does someone have a source code for a simple Edgeville smelter script? Looking for something like the below script where "get" methods and "this" are used. (For learning purposes) Thanks!
  5. For some reason I can't see the script in my list? Do you know why?
  6. Hey Czar, Can I have a trial to test the script at some locations? Thanks.
  7. Great script! Works perfect!
  8. Was a bit too short, couldn't really test. Is it possible to issue again? Thanks.
  9. Hey Khal, can I have a Trial?
  10. Hey APA, Could you give me an extended trial? Would like to test many locations. Thanks!
  11. Thanks! The script works great! I tested at the following location: Al-Kharid mine -> powermining 3-spot iron ore Mining Guild -> mining admantite ores with banking and world hopping Rune rocks -> mining runite ores with world hopping Some smalls suggestions / new features: When mining at rune rocks Be able to withdraw some food at bank, red spiders can hit you (especially lower levels) Be able to switch world instantly when a pker appears -> got killed 2 times at rune rocks Proggy powermining 3-spot iron ore:
  12. Not sure why, but can't see the script in my script overview?
  13. Hey Czar, Can I have an extended trial? Would love to test all the features in the script.
  14. - VirtualBox - VMware Workstation Player What I prefer is running an Instance in AWS or a VPS on Vultr or Kamatera.
  15. Works perfectly, I changed the below to simply inventory.dropAll(); for (int i : new int[]{ 0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 25, 21, 17, 13, 9, 5, 1, 2, 6, 10, 14, 18, 22, 26, 27, 23, 19, 15, 11, 7, 3
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