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Everything posted by Deceiver

  1. okabe had 07 and that site looks sketch af
  2. Deceiver

    1k ayeee

    you can sell 10 accounts now
  3. all i do is crawl through the grass because i am hiddensnake72 although i have been unable to play lately because it defaults me to asia servers despite being in us
  4. if you can edit your service thread please add global osbot tos, if not lmk.

    1. clanket


      I believe i added it, otherwise do what you need to do.

  5. i am pretty sure there is no limit unless it was recently introduced but that sounds really bad for everything so its something on your script probably
  6. bro look i have no idea on what the fuck ur trying to say, so pls answer these: did you buy ANY tutorial accounts from antonio if so, where is the feedback if not, where did you get these 3 accounts ur op implies you bought these but u have no feedback from antonio
  7. Maldesto banned them last night, moving them to the banned group. Thanks!
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