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Everything posted by Deceiver

  1. Just wondering the price ranges of these accounts 1) Minnows account, 82 fish + trawlers 2) 40 Def, 75-80 Range with HP, Ava's (stats + quests) 3) Mid Level Cooking (not sure what exact level), give examples?
  2. expect bans in f2p to happen in most cases, under 72 hours
  3. buy tuts instead, easier to do than slave make them
  4. uninstall java 10, you need to use java 8 lol
  5. read announcement threads https://osbot.org/forum/forum/181-sdn-requests/
  6. add me on discord @ deceiver#2697 and we can talk there
  7. ill be home in about an hour and a half can do both for $35 paypal my discord is; deceiver#2697
  8. as the title says; you first, coinbase acc, verified pp
  9. randoms and retards arent invited cause they'll get butthurt online lmao
  10. what Apaec said, its automatically done by ip board 4.x.x, i hate it as well but hopefully mald/mio can edit the forum settings to remove that because it is ugly for sure @Maldesto plz
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