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Everything posted by darkdevil

  1. 69.if you know what i mean.
  2. is there a guide from 1-99 strength? fast xp and reach 99 in like a month? thanks.
  3. who plays rsps now a days...
  4. anyone know how to do it? pm me please not paying anything thanks,
  5. i was thinking of getting ghosts...but black ops 1 is the best call of duty game out now...15 prestiege i am.
  6. yes, as you can see, she started the arguement.
  7. english is my second language. so you can stop bitching about my grammar and shit, i speak two languages fluent and studying another two. at the first place i have no idea on how you got promoted to a moderator because you're an ignorant bitch and most people on Osbot wants you to be demoted.the truth hurts. Don't try to show off the languages you speak as I speak 2 languages fluent and I am studying two more too. And honestly I could care less. And I'd like to stop here to avoid a flame wars and/or spam posts. you're the one who starts the flame war you hate on every thread i make you stop and i stop
  8. english is my second language. so you can stop bitching about my grammar and shit, i speak two languages fluent and studying another two. at the first place i have no idea on how you got promoted to a moderator because you're an ignorant bitch and most people on Osbot wants you to be demoted. the truth hurts.
  9. do you remember me from par*bot? i used to be red devils???????
  10. EDIT:fuck this miss anne for demote
  11. darkdevil


    such an xp waste wtf wtf
  12. How did u get unbanned in April and May? How did u get unbanned in April and May?
  13. Hate scammers all scammers that scammed me got away with it in other sites
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