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Everything posted by Abuse

  1. There is a split second before that screen shows up where the main script is free to execute
  2. That's probably the script that's causing it. Check your logs, it's probably spammed full of NullPointerExceptions at the moment it happens
  3. Let's be honest here, almost every proxy you get, even from a reputable, dedicated runescape proxy seller has been used before by someone else. It makes no commercial sense to purchase IP's costing .5- 2$ / month, rent them out for a while and them discard them Why? Because IPv4's are scarse, server providers no longer throw them around and you can't just ask your provider to swap out an IP to a fresh one. Selling an IP to multiple users simultaneously is a different story, that's where 'premium' proxies make a difference. @OP: If you're doing F2P, rent a single proxy somewhere and run all your bots in different worlds on the same IP, it will pay itself off in a day or so with 4 accounts. Then you can think of buying more Your mule can safely stay on your home IP
  4. Indeed, @Dex made me one Please close
  5. They are dedicated, just seperated 'just in case'
  6. I'm good, thank you The less I depend on external parties the better, just personal experience
  7. It was a memory issue. it's ran in a virtualized enviornment and had too little memory available. It was a matter of time before the query cache would grow large enough for the whole container to run out of memory Thank you for your kind offer though
  8. MySQL server froze up, bots 'thought' that my account was ready to trade, but it wasn't
  9. Vwest looks crowded, like back in the old days You're welcome
  10. Thanks all! My projector is arriving next week, ill post an update
  11. Haven't used my muscles besides clicking mouse buttons and entering keystrokes for a while, so I've decided to get some diy project going. This time it was a DIY projector screen for my soon-to-be home cinema Since I love RGB lighting, I thought this would be a perfect opportunity to add a WS2812B led strip on the back of it, and control it with an Arduino Close enough .. Overall I'm quite happy with the result, just need to iron out some wrinkles on the cloth before I hang it up I'll update this thread from time to time
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