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Everything posted by Abuse

  1. 24/7 minus 1-3 minute breaks every 30-90 minutes
  2. On the other hand, I now have 320 accounts with 80+ fishing
  3. Well, yes. One could be creative and duel me in duel arena or whatever, I just don't have time in the morning to make new mules and do smart trades since Weath hits me at 8am when I wake up at 7:30. Not even enough time to finish my coffee PM me your skype
  4. That's the buying limit. There's none when selling Can you PM me your skype?
  5. Since Jagex has recently been tracking my farm a lot more, I started having mules of my mules being disabled, often with tens of milions on them I'm looking for someone that is willing to buy my stock of lobsters everyday at a price 10% (or whatever we agree upon) lower than G.E selling price at around 7-8am +1 GMT time, and perhaps once more in the evening. This way I can get rid of my stock fast without crashing the market or being forced to sell the stock undervalued by 30% for a fast sale, and you could also make a good $ The amount of stock is usually 300k ish lobsters in the morning and another 300-400k in the evening ^ Oops, missclick. Are you interested? post below - Abuse
  6. Trusted him with 600m for a few days, 10/10 Sold almost 100m so far
  7. Seeing that you are running Linux, I recommend trying Windows as your operating system, I used to have a similar problem but it went away after switching over
  8. I can confrim this issue, also happens with getPlayers().closest(name);
  9. "OO Renan911 will be liable if recovered." Doesn't sound very reassuring .. 40m
  10. My recommendation would be not to use public scraped proxies. Why you might ask? Because you are not the only one scraping and using them for OSRS. Doing so will get you banned more likely than using your home IP address
  11. I bet 5$ you're trying HTTP proxies instead of Socks
  12. The difference here is that OSBuddy cooperates with Jagex, they probably can know if it's OSBuddy or not Someone pointed out that if they were able to detect botting clients then they would ban everyone. The thing here is, is that if they were to do that, the bot developers would be able to find ways around their methods of detection rather quickly by trial and error (Opinion) I think they are always able to tell if it's a rogue client, and wait for their bot-detection algorithms to kick in to confirm if the person is botting or not, followed by a few day wait to disguise their methods of detection
  13. I've seen many of your dismiss the idea of Jagex being able to tell you are using a botting client, however they recently posted this article: http://services.runescape.com/m=news/third-party-clients?oldschool=1 Which pretty much confirms they are able to detect our clients Thoughts?
  14. *Hey, I want to get a masters degree in CS, but I don't want to learn, can somebody do it for me?* See, this kind of questions don't attract many replies.
  15. Abuse


    Well, I don't settle with 'good enough' so no, not yet There is little difference between Xeon server processors or desktop processors for our niche. It's just different ram technology and usually no built-in graphics cards. I go by the passmark scores that you can find online for specific processors, from my findings the benchmarks scale linearly with the amount of bots that I am able to run
  16. Abuse


    Define comfortably. I own four servers, three of them have Intel Xeon E3-1245 v3's, and one has an i7-4770k. All are outfitted with 16gb of ram. These machines run 20 bots a basic fishing script 'comfortably' with the 'Low CPU mode' checked at 100% CPU and 70%+ ram utilization. If you're willing to spend 1k + for the machine then you can go with 6 core hyperthreading variants of intel CPUs to reach your requirement (by a thin margin) - Abuse
  17. I got ~30 of that kind of accounts PM Sent
  18. Could be perhaps add a postcount/used to be a paid member factor to the one year inactivity? I've been inactive for well over one year before I came back, it would be sad to see my name gone - Abuse
  19. 50$ and you've got a deal
  20. It only has a few offences
  21. Is there any chance I could tweet Jagex about an old account of mine (Created in 2006) and having the macroing ban squashed? If so, what excuse should I use? - Abuse
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