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  1. Any strange lock update, and i would not mind a free month for my bugs found
  2. Okay with the Revitalisation pool it kept clicking the pool but with the Rejuvenation pool it works fine again.
  3. I upgraded my pool from the stamina one to the prayer one and see if it keeps the same problem.
  4. It actually refreshes at the pool but just keeps doing this.
  5. Works fluent again right now, will get back to test out the strange lock when its ready. scratch that lol: New thing: [INFO][Bot #1][07/21 11:08:51 AM]: DEBUG: Interacting with Pool of Revitalisation [INFO][Bot #1][07/21 11:08:55 AM]: DEBUG: Interacting with Pool of Revitalisation [INFO][Bot #1][07/21 11:09:00 AM]: DEBUG: Interacting with Pool of Revitalisation [INFO][Bot #1][07/21 11:09:04 AM]: DEBUG: Interacting with Pool of Revitalisation [INFO][Bot #1][07/21 11:09:09 AM]: DEBUG: Interacting with Pool of Revitalisation [INFO][Bot #1][07/21 11:09:13 AM]: DEBUG: Interacting with Pool of Revitalisation [INFO][Bot #1][07/21 11:09:18 AM]: DEBUG: Interacting with Pool of Revitalisation [INFO][Bot #1][07/21 11:09:23 AM]: DEBUG: Interacting with Pool of Revitalisation [INFO][Bot #1][07/21 11:09:27 AM]: DEBUG: Interacting with Pool of Revitalisation [INFO][Bot #1][07/21 11:09:32 AM]: DEBUG: Interacting with Pool of Revitalisation [INFO][Bot #1][07/21 11:09:36 AM]: DEBUG: Interacting with Pool of Revitalisation [INFO][Bot #1][07/21 11:09:40 AM]: DEBUG: Interacting with Pool of Revitalisation [INFO][Bot #1][07/21 11:09:45 AM]: DEBUG: Interacting with Pool of Revitalisation [INFO][Bot #1][07/21 11:09:49 AM]: DEBUG: Interacting with Pool of Revitalisation [INFO][Bot #1][07/21 11:09:53 AM]: DEBUG: Interacting with Pool of Revitalisation [INFO][Bot #1][07/21 11:09:58 AM]: DEBUG: Interacting with Pool of Revitalisation [INFO][Bot #1][07/21 11:10:02 AM]: DEBUG: Interacting with Pool of Revitalisation [INFO][Bot #1][07/21 11:10:06 AM]: DEBUG: Interacting with Pool of Revitalisation [INFO][Bot #1][07/21 11:10:11 AM]: DEBUG: Interacting with Pool of Revitalisation [INFO][Bot #1][07/21 11:10:15 AM]: DEBUG: Interacting with Pool of Revitalisation [INFO][Bot #1][07/21 11:10:20 AM]: DEBUG: Interacting with Pool of Revitalisation [INFO][Bot #1][07/21 11:10:24 AM]: DEBUG: Interacting with Pool of Revitalisation [INFO][Bot #1][07/21 11:10:29 AM]: DEBUG: Interacting with Pool of Revitalisation [INFO][Bot #1][07/21 11:10:33 AM]: DEBUG: Interacting with Pool of Revitalisation Just gets stuck now at the pool in the house
  6. Script stopped working for me, just stands at Karil and drinks prayer pots when it drains. Nothing to show in logger: [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 06:25:05 PM]: DEBUG: AnimationTracker stopped [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 06:25:06 PM]: DEBUG: Anti-stuck camera rotation [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 06:25:06 PM]: INFO: Assumed tunnel brother to be Guthan the Infested [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 06:25:09 PM]: DEBUG: InteractionEvent has timed out [2000ms] [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 06:25:10 PM]: DEBUG: --- Current state --- [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 06:25:10 PM]: DEBUG: AHRIM: 1 [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 06:25:10 PM]: DEBUG: DHAROK: 1 [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 06:25:10 PM]: DEBUG: GUTHAN: 4 [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 06:25:10 PM]: DEBUG: KARIL: 1 [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 06:25:10 PM]: DEBUG: TORAG: 1 [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 06:25:10 PM]: DEBUG: VERAC: 1 [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 06:25:10 PM]: DEBUG: Found next (GUTHAN) by getFirst(TUNNEL) [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 06:25:11 PM]: DEBUG: Enabling auto retaliate [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 06:25:34 PM]: DEBUG: Anti-stuck camera rotation [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 06:25:48 PM]: DEBUG: Anti-stuck camera rotation [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 06:25:56 PM]: Script FrostBarrows has paused! [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 06:25:58 PM]: Script FrostBarrows has resumed! [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 06:26:09 PM]: Terminating script FrostBarrows... [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 06:26:09 PM]: DEBUG: Anti-stuck camera rotation [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 06:26:12 PM]: DEBUG: ClickMouseEvent has timed out [3000ms] [ERROR][Bot #1][07/20 06:26:12 PM]: Error in script executor! java.lang.NullPointerException at org.osbot.rs07.event.Event.interrupt(wn:234) at frostbarrow.j.NuL.f(nb:474) at frostbarrow.j.COM1.k(yb:497) at frostbarrow.j.COM1.e(yb:495) at frostbarrow.j.COM1.e(yb:645) at frostbarrow.e.Aux.i(xb:303) at frostbarrow.e.Aux.l(xb:132) at frostbarrow.FrostBarrow.onLoop(ic:202) at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$InternalExecutor.run(pl:74) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source) [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 06:26:13 PM]: Failed to send progress data [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 06:26:13 PM]: Script FrostBarrows has exited! [INFO][07/20 06:29:20 PM]: Script list refreshed and loaded 15 scripts. [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 06:29:24 PM]: Loaded 4 built-in random solvers! [WARN][Bot #1][07/20 06:29:24 PM]: The current script is overriding the Break Manager! [WARN][Bot #1][07/20 06:29:24 PM]: Use custom breaks at your own risk. [WARN][Bot #1][07/20 06:29:24 PM]: OSBot is not responsible for any issues with breaking. [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 06:29:24 PM]: FrostBarrow version: 1.6.9 [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 06:29:24 PM]: Initializing profile [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 06:29:24 PM]: icon: javax.swing.ImageIcon@19aa94a [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 06:29:24 PM]: icon: javax.swing.ImageIcon@ce9117 [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 06:29:24 PM]: icon: javax.swing.ImageIcon@8087f3 [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 06:29:24 PM]: icon: javax.swing.ImageIcon@858e3b [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 06:29:24 PM]: icon: javax.swing.ImageIcon@5325b0 [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 06:29:24 PM]: icon: javax.swing.ImageIcon@1d9a42b [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 06:30:09 PM]: DEBUG: Equipment refresh [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 06:30:09 PM]: DEBUG: Equipment refresh [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 06:30:09 PM]: DEBUG: Checking trident [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 06:30:11 PM]: INFO: Your Trident of the seas has 1,889 charges. [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 06:30:11 PM]: INFO: Parsing Your Trident of the seas has 1889 charges. [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 06:30:11 PM]: DEBUG: Trident has 1889 charges left. [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 06:30:11 PM]: DEBUG: Opening bank.. [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 06:30:18 PM]: DEBUG: Acting [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 06:30:18 PM]: DEBUG: Acting [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 06:30:18 PM]: DEBUG: Potions: 5 Doses: 16 Target potions: 4 [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 06:30:20 PM]: DEBUG: Opening bank.. [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 06:30:23 PM]: DEBUG: Setting state: Bank close [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 06:30:23 PM]: INFO: Monkfish needs to move from slot 3 [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 06:30:25 PM]: INFO: Monkfish needs to move from slot 6 [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 06:30:27 PM]: INFO: Monkfish needs to move from slot 6 [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 06:30:29 PM]: INFO: Monkfish needs to move from slot 6 [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 06:30:30 PM]: INFO: Monkfish needs to move from slot 8 [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 06:30:30 PM]: INFO: Prayer potion(4) needs to move from slot 6 [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 06:30:32 PM]: INFO: Monkfish needs to move from slot 6 [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 06:30:32 PM]: INFO: Monkfish needs to move from slot 6 [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 06:30:32 PM]: INFO: Monkfish needs to move from slot 6 [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 06:30:32 PM]: INFO: Monkfish needs to move from slot 6 [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 06:30:32 PM]: INFO: Monkfish needs to move from slot 6 [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 06:30:32 PM]: INFO: Monkfish needs to move from slot 6 [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 06:30:32 PM]: INFO: Monkfish needs to move from slot 6 [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 06:30:32 PM]: INFO: Monkfish needs to move from slot 6 [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 06:30:32 PM]: INFO: Monkfish needs to move from slot 6 [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 06:30:33 PM]: INFO: Monkfish needs to move from slot 6 [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 06:30:33 PM]: INFO: Monkfish needs to move from slot 6 [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 06:30:33 PM]: INFO: Monkfish needs to move from slot 6 [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 06:30:33 PM]: INFO: Monkfish needs to move from slot 6 [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 06:30:33 PM]: INFO: Monkfish needs to move from slot 6 [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 06:30:33 PM]: INFO: Monkfish needs to move from slot 6 [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 06:30:33 PM]: INFO: Monkfish needs to move from slot 6 [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 06:30:33 PM]: INFO: Finished organizing [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 06:30:39 PM]: INFO: Arrived at barrows [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 06:30:39 PM]: DEBUG: Set state of Dharok the Wretched to 0 [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 06:30:39 PM]: DEBUG: Set state of Karil the Tainted to 0 [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 06:30:39 PM]: DEBUG: Set state of Ahrim the Blighted to 0 [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 06:30:39 PM]: DEBUG: Set state of Verac the Defiled to 0 [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 06:30:39 PM]: DEBUG: Set state of Torag the Corrupted to 0 [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 06:30:39 PM]: DEBUG: Set state of Guthan the Infested to 0 [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 06:30:39 PM]: INFO: Order: nuL[] {Dharok the Wretched, Karil the Tainted, Ahrim the Blighted, Verac the Defiled, Torag the Corrupted, Guthan the Infested [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 06:30:39 PM]: DEBUG: --- Current state --- [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 06:30:39 PM]: DEBUG: AHRIM: 0 [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 06:30:39 PM]: DEBUG: DHAROK: 0 [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 06:30:39 PM]: DEBUG: GUTHAN: 0 [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 06:30:39 PM]: DEBUG: KARIL: 0 [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 06:30:39 PM]: DEBUG: TORAG: 0 [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 06:30:39 PM]: DEBUG: VERAC: 0 [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 06:30:39 PM]: DEBUG: Found next (DHAROK) by getBest(TODO) [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 06:30:39 PM]: INFO: First enemy: Dharok the Wretched [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 06:30:47 PM]: DEBUG: Set state of Dharok the Wretched to 0 [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 06:30:47 PM]: DEBUG: Set state of Karil the Tainted to 0 [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 06:30:47 PM]: DEBUG: Set state of Ahrim the Blighted to 0 [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 06:30:47 PM]: DEBUG: Set state of Verac the Defiled to 0 [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 06:30:47 PM]: DEBUG: Set state of Torag the Corrupted to 0 [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 06:30:47 PM]: DEBUG: Set state of Guthan the Infested to 0 [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 06:30:47 PM]: INFO: Order: nuL[] {Dharok the Wretched, Karil the Tainted, Ahrim the Blighted, Verac the Defiled, Torag the Corrupted, Guthan the Infested [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 06:30:49 PM]: DEBUG: Going to search tomb [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 06:30:50 PM]: INFO: Setting PROTECT_FROM_MELEE to true [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 06:30:54 PM]: DEBUG: AnimationTracker started [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 06:30:54 PM]: DEBUG: Combat started [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 06:30:54 PM]: DEBUG: Targeting enemy [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 06:30:54 PM]: DEBUG: Successfully targeted [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 06:31:13 PM]: DEBUG: Exiting tomb [1] [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 06:31:13 PM]: DEBUG: AnimationTracker stopped [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 06:31:13 PM]: DEBUG: Anti-stuck camera rotation [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 06:31:15 PM]: INFO: Setting PROTECT_FROM_MELEE to false [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 06:31:18 PM]: INFO: Setting PROTECT_FROM_MELEE to false [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 06:31:18 PM]: DEBUG: --- Current state --- [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 06:31:18 PM]: DEBUG: AHRIM: 0 [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 06:31:18 PM]: DEBUG: DHAROK: 1 [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 06:31:18 PM]: DEBUG: GUTHAN: 0 [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 06:31:18 PM]: DEBUG: KARIL: 0 [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 06:31:18 PM]: DEBUG: TORAG: 0 [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 06:31:18 PM]: DEBUG: VERAC: 0 [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 06:31:18 PM]: DEBUG: Found next (KARIL) by getBest(TODO) [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 06:31:18 PM]: INFO: Next tomb: Karil the Tainted [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 06:31:19 PM]: DEBUG: Swapping to item: Abyssal whip [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 06:31:28 PM]: DEBUG: Going to search tomb
  7. Would love strange old lockpick update
  8. Has to do with prayer i think but i have full pray and a prayer pot in the inventory -edit- Okay when i changed the setting to have it to get 2 pray pots, then it will run again. 1 prayer dose was somehow not enough for the script to go in the tunnels.
  9. [INFO][07/12 05:35:51 PM]: Loaded 1 RS accounts! [INFO][07/12 05:35:51 PM]: Welcome to OSBot 2.6.49! [INFO][07/12 05:35:57 PM]: Updated injection hooks for client revision : 206! [DEBUG][Bot #1][07/12 05:35:57 PM]: Initializing mirror client bot... [INFO][07/12 05:35:57 PM]: Started bot #1 [INFO][Bot #1][07/12 05:36:15 PM]: Initializing 39 API modules... [INFO][07/12 05:36:53 PM]: Script list refreshed and loaded 15 scripts. [INFO][Bot #1][07/12 05:37:38 PM]: Loaded 4 built-in random solvers! [WARN][Bot #1][07/12 05:37:38 PM]: The current script is overriding the Break Manager! [WARN][Bot #1][07/12 05:37:38 PM]: Use custom breaks at your own risk. [WARN][Bot #1][07/12 05:37:38 PM]: OSBot is not responsible for any issues with breaking. [INFO][Bot #1][07/12 05:37:44 PM]: Terminating script FrostHunter... [INFO][Bot #1][07/12 05:37:44 PM]: Script FrostHunter has exited! [INFO][07/12 05:37:48 PM]: Script list refreshed and loaded 15 scripts. [INFO][Bot #1][07/12 05:37:52 PM]: Loaded 4 built-in random solvers! [WARN][Bot #1][07/12 05:37:52 PM]: The current script is overriding the Break Manager! [WARN][Bot #1][07/12 05:37:52 PM]: Use custom breaks at your own risk. [WARN][Bot #1][07/12 05:37:52 PM]: OSBot is not responsible for any issues with breaking. [INFO][Bot #1][07/12 05:37:52 PM]: FrostBarrow version: 1.6.9 [INFO][Bot #1][07/12 05:37:52 PM]: Initializing profile [INFO][Bot #1][07/12 05:37:52 PM]: icon: javax.swing.ImageIcon@847ee [INFO][Bot #1][07/12 05:37:52 PM]: icon: javax.swing.ImageIcon@1dbcbbc [INFO][Bot #1][07/12 05:37:52 PM]: icon: javax.swing.ImageIcon@1df79c2 [INFO][Bot #1][07/12 05:37:52 PM]: icon: javax.swing.ImageIcon@82046 [INFO][Bot #1][07/12 05:37:52 PM]: icon: javax.swing.ImageIcon@1fe7a5e [INFO][Bot #1][07/12 05:37:52 PM]: icon: javax.swing.ImageIcon@108c3d6 [INFO][Bot #1][07/12 05:38:07 PM]: DEBUG: Equipment refresh [INFO][Bot #1][07/12 05:38:07 PM]: DEBUG: Equipment refresh [INFO][Bot #1][07/12 05:38:07 PM]: DEBUG: Equipment refresh [INFO][Bot #1][07/12 05:38:07 PM]: DEBUG: Checking trident [INFO][Bot #1][07/12 05:38:08 PM]: INFO: Your Trident of the seas has 2,368 charges. [INFO][Bot #1][07/12 05:38:08 PM]: INFO: Parsing Your Trident of the seas has 2368 charges. [INFO][Bot #1][07/12 05:38:08 PM]: DEBUG: Trident has 2368 charges left. [INFO][Bot #1][07/12 05:38:09 PM]: DEBUG: Opening bank.. [INFO][Bot #1][07/12 05:38:13 PM]: Started random solver : BankPin Solver [DEBUG][Bot #1][07/12 05:38:13 PM]: [BankPin] - Entering pin stage 0 [DEBUG][Bot #1][07/12 05:38:14 PM]: [BankPin] - Entering pin stage 1 [DEBUG][Bot #1][07/12 05:38:15 PM]: [BankPin] - Entering pin stage 2 [DEBUG][Bot #1][07/12 05:38:16 PM]: [BankPin] - Entering pin stage 2 [DEBUG][Bot #1][07/12 05:38:17 PM]: [BankPin] - Entering pin stage 3 [DEBUG][Bot #1][07/12 05:38:18 PM]: [BankPin] - Entering pin stage 3 [INFO][Bot #1][07/12 05:38:19 PM]: INFO: You have correctly entered your PIN. [INFO][Bot #1][07/12 05:38:19 PM]: Random solver exited : BankPin Solver [INFO][Bot #1][07/12 05:38:19 PM]: Scheduling script background executors [INFO][Bot #1][07/12 05:38:21 PM]: DEBUG: Setting state: Bank close [INFO][Bot #1][07/12 05:38:22 PM]: INFO: Prayer potion(1) needs to move from slot 6 [INFO][Bot #1][07/12 05:38:22 PM]: INFO: Finished organizing [INFO][Bot #1][07/12 05:38:27 PM]: INFO: Arrived at barrows [INFO][Bot #1][07/12 05:38:27 PM]: DEBUG: Set state of Dharok the Wretched to 0 [INFO][Bot #1][07/12 05:38:27 PM]: DEBUG: Set state of Karil the Tainted to 0 [INFO][Bot #1][07/12 05:38:27 PM]: DEBUG: Set state of Ahrim the Blighted to 0 [INFO][Bot #1][07/12 05:38:27 PM]: DEBUG: Set state of Verac the Defiled to 0 [INFO][Bot #1][07/12 05:38:27 PM]: DEBUG: Set state of Torag the Corrupted to 0 [INFO][Bot #1][07/12 05:38:27 PM]: DEBUG: Set state of Guthan the Infested to 0 [INFO][Bot #1][07/12 05:38:27 PM]: INFO: Order: nul[] {Dharok the Wretched, Karil the Tainted, Ahrim the Blighted, Verac the Defiled, Torag the Corrupted, Guthan the Infested [INFO][Bot #1][07/12 05:38:27 PM]: DEBUG: --- Current state --- [INFO][Bot #1][07/12 05:38:27 PM]: DEBUG: AHRIM: 0 [INFO][Bot #1][07/12 05:38:27 PM]: DEBUG: DHAROK: 0 [INFO][Bot #1][07/12 05:38:27 PM]: DEBUG: GUTHAN: 0 [INFO][Bot #1][07/12 05:38:27 PM]: DEBUG: KARIL: 0 [INFO][Bot #1][07/12 05:38:27 PM]: DEBUG: TORAG: 0 [INFO][Bot #1][07/12 05:38:27 PM]: DEBUG: VERAC: 0 [INFO][Bot #1][07/12 05:38:27 PM]: DEBUG: Found next (DHAROK) by getBest(TODO) [INFO][Bot #1][07/12 05:38:27 PM]: INFO: First enemy: Dharok the Wretched [INFO][Bot #1][07/12 05:38:29 PM]: DEBUG: Enabling auto retaliate [INFO][Bot #1][07/12 05:38:39 PM]: DEBUG: Going to search tomb [INFO][Bot #1][07/12 05:38:39 PM]: INFO: Setting PROTECT_FROM_MELEE to true [INFO][Bot #1][07/12 05:38:42 PM]: DEBUG: Tunnel brother identified as Dharok the Wretched [INFO][Bot #1][07/12 05:38:44 PM]: INFO: Setting PROTECT_FROM_MELEE to false [INFO][Bot #1][07/12 05:38:46 PM]: DEBUG: --- Current state --- [INFO][Bot #1][07/12 05:38:46 PM]: DEBUG: AHRIM: 0 [INFO][Bot #1][07/12 05:38:46 PM]: DEBUG: DHAROK: 4 [INFO][Bot #1][07/12 05:38:46 PM]: DEBUG: GUTHAN: 0 [INFO][Bot #1][07/12 05:38:46 PM]: DEBUG: KARIL: 0 [INFO][Bot #1][07/12 05:38:46 PM]: DEBUG: TORAG: 0 [INFO][Bot #1][07/12 05:38:46 PM]: DEBUG: VERAC: 0 [INFO][Bot #1][07/12 05:38:46 PM]: DEBUG: Found next (KARIL) by getBest(TODO) [INFO][Bot #1][07/12 05:38:46 PM]: INFO: Next tomb: Karil the Tainted [INFO][Bot #1][07/12 05:38:47 PM]: WARNING: Enemy already defeated -> forcing config update [INFO][Bot #1][07/12 05:38:48 PM]: DEBUG: --- Current state --- [INFO][Bot #1][07/12 05:38:48 PM]: DEBUG: AHRIM: 1 [INFO][Bot #1][07/12 05:38:48 PM]: DEBUG: DHAROK: 4 [INFO][Bot #1][07/12 05:38:48 PM]: DEBUG: GUTHAN: 1 [INFO][Bot #1][07/12 05:38:49 PM]: DEBUG: KARIL: 1 [INFO][Bot #1][07/12 05:38:49 PM]: DEBUG: TORAG: 1 [INFO][Bot #1][07/12 05:38:49 PM]: DEBUG: VERAC: 1 [INFO][Bot #1][07/12 05:38:49 PM]: DEBUG: Found next (DHAROK) by getFirst(TUNNEL) [INFO][Bot #1][07/12 05:38:50 PM]: DEBUG: Enabling auto retaliate [INFO][Bot #1][07/12 05:38:50 PM]: WARNING: Insufficient prayer to start tunnel run [INFO][Bot #1][07/12 05:39:03 PM]: DEBUG: Interacting with Altar [INFO][Bot #1][07/12 05:39:04 PM]: INFO: Finished. Using portal now [INFO][Bot #1][07/12 05:39:09 PM]: Script FrostBarrows has paused!
  10. Works fine for 1 round, then the second round after banking it will do all the brothers and when it is time for the tunnel it will go the brother with the tunnel but it will click on the coffin go outside again and teleports home with teleport tablet. Settings are 1 round per chest then bank with home teleport tablet and back with barrows teleport. It will then re gear, go to the brother with the tunnel, try again and go out and teleport again. This will just repeat.
  11. It is 100% worth it, makes barrows so much faster!
  12. Is the lock thing to open al doors included in the settings?
  13. Thanks for that, will keep checking in if you have maybe found something for this. Maybe click twice on mark of grace or something and when something is not coins it drops after.
  14. Any way to have it pick up coins next to the marks of grace? (For the new gamemode)
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