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Trade With Caution
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About Affray

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  • Gender
  • Location:
    RuneScape HQ

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Affray's Achievements

Steel Poster

Steel Poster (4/10)



  1. Affray

    big order

    42m (35m for service, 4m for bond, 3m supplies) Discord below
  2. Can also do this for you Discord below
  3. Affray

    void mage helm

    Can complete this for 5m, can have it done today. Discord below.
  4. Affray

    55-70 agility

    55gp/xp / free MOG's discord Affray#0531
  5. 32M for all, can start asap. Discord Affray#0531
  6. Affray

    fire cape

    Can do this for you, can start ASAP and have done within 2 hours. Discord below
  7. Will complete this for 8m, can start ASAP. Discord Below.
  8. Affray


    Can complete this for 30M, my Discord is below
  9. Affray

    Bulk order

    You should add my discord, always up for questing and stats, its below
  10. As I said previously mouse keys when I’ve been playing legit I turn mouse keys on hover over the teleport / arch and press 5 on the numpad jagex have said mouse keys are allowed numerous times on reddit, also you have to factor in mobile, I really doubt same pixel clicking has much to do with bans these days
  11. PayPal doesn't cover NON-TANGIBLE items, this should help a lot of yall
  12. 10M, can complete this relatively quickly discord below.
  13. Affray

    Void set

    Can complete this for you for 25m Should be able to get this bashed out in 3-4 days max.
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