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Everything posted by LeBron

  1. f- off, I got dibz. Well, me and you, just no sword fighting in the middle of it please.
  2. Need heroes done x2, I'll give u 500k (u said lowball me...)
  3. Welcome! Not the best bot but definately the best community and reasonable prices. For example a Blast Furnace script costs $15 here (lifetime) and $40 A MONTH at a different website. ;) If you want a tip I recommend using Khal and Czar scripts, they are by far the most dedicated scripters (most people will agree) and ALWAYS, ALWAYS ask for a trial before you buy a script. I hope you enjoy your stay!
  4. You belong in the VIP+ category if you have access to it, that's what the + is for. How much do you bench? 1 rep max.
  5. Random people don't just do nice things for you without a hidden agenda.
  6. Would be nice to see how many people actually stick with just the mirror client and offer a few bots for a lower banrate. Pick one option or post here if none of the above fit you. I've completely stopped using the normal client as a ban is almost guaranteed on it, delayed or instant. Completely hopeless to me.
  7. I'll donate 10M if this actually works.
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iz-3ItHYeiQ
  9. * No bans * No bot * Attack can be raised to 50 without gaining a CB lvl and making it a gmauler.
  10. Khal & Czar are the only scripts I'd ever buy now that I know these forums. Only people who are dedicated and get back to you right away.
  11. Because their rank wasn't bought.
  12. With all the Apple restrictions? Gl with that
  13. Somebody give this man Developer rank already, I have a feeling he'll make this client better than it has ever been before!
  14. A moderator may close this for now, people are too dumb to even read a ToS.
  15. Finally someone who actually has an unbiased opinion. I'll give the man half of the quest that was only done halfway if it is required of me. Which would be 750k.
  16. I'd keep 2 since you can't trade over imbued rings and playing without imbue is a big waste since imbued rings have twice the bonuses.
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