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Everything posted by dubai

  1. Yeah I gotcha, heaps of reasons to add custom breaks tbh. I started doing this but I never finished it... @Czar Where you at
  2. I didn't get the job unfortunately... I also got knocked back on another one since then... I'm not giving up though Glad to keep getting my name out there.
  3. Are you doing this to have you script break early say, when it's at the bank? Interesting approach if so, I disabled osbots break manager completely and just had it sleep until the break was over then let the login solver log the player back in and continue
  4. Sounds like a good excuse to practice C++
  5. Hundreds of euro's O_O what script do you need botting?? infernal capes?
  6. I can get the bot to log out and back in, however can't override the osbot break random solver... any tips! can't find any info for recent osbot versions
  7. Very punny response, thank you These 2 open source projects were some of my early projects, still fun and they do work nicely.
  8. No I don't mean third party clients, I mean private scripts for whatever it is you want to bot, developers can make them pretty easy. Probably the biggest recommendation I could give would be to try a private script in your OSbot setup, probably lowest ban rates.
  9. Dubai's SplashAlcher Splashes while alching for ultimate magic XP without any hitpoints XP. How to run: -Get your splashing gear on (-65 magic attack bonus required) -Have runes in inventory (Alch runes + Runes for splashing) -MUST AUTO-CAST SPLASH SPELL -Start near the bear behind Varrock castle -Enter the item you want to high alch in the popup window EXAMPLE SETUP: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DOWNLOAD LINK - Extract to your OSbot\scripts\ Path. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Source: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  10. I disagree, I assume there are automatic systems. i definitely noticed it's easier to get banned on a environment after the first ban until i reset it, cycle repeats Have you tried private custom made scripts that only you'll use?
  11. But your mac address and many other things would still be recorded and flagged as a botter
  12. You should try using proxies? your ip is obviously flagged...
  13. dubai

    Trade Handler

    Nice, I might incorporate this into my botfarm scripts
  14. Dubai's OakBurner [BETA] Chop and Burn any Oak Tree! Start this script next to an Oak Tree with your axe equipped or in your inventory with a tinderbox. The script will chop a full inventory of oak logs, and burn them before returning back to the starting tree. (It might wander off while it's firemaking(It handles "You can't light a fire here" and moves to a new spot to keep lighting fires) But the script will return to the starting tree after burning. Nice and simple Onscreen Paint tracking Runtime and XP/LVLs gained. Need some testers on this, I've ran for over an hour without issues, just moving on to other things. If you encounter bugs/crashes please try and screenshot the issue and provide as much info as you can and I'll return to this project for fixes. I've been running it south/west falador and it works really well over 20k FM xp/hr depending on your axe. The bot seems really smooth, especially firemaking. DOWNLOAD: (EXTRACT TO YOUR "OSBOT/SCRIPTS/" PATH) If anyone could upload some screenshots of nice runtimes, that would be awesome! Source:
  15. Hi, i'm currently implementing a custom break handler in my scripts. This can be configured in the scriptGUI. all the logic seems to work apart from getting it to log back in? Can't see anything relevant in the api documentation or I'm not looking in the right places... Any help would be appreciated! In particular: Cannot resolve symbol 'LOGIN' api.getTabs().open(Tab.LOGIN); Here's might BreakHandler class: package extraFeatures; import org.osbot.rs07.api.ui.Tab; import org.osbot.rs07.script.MethodProvider; import java.util.Random; public class BreakHandler { private final MethodProvider api; private final int minBotTime; private final int maxBotTime; private final int minBreakTime; private final int maxBreakTime; private long nextBreakTime; private final Random random; public BreakHandler(MethodProvider api, int minBotTime, int maxBotTime, int minBreakTime, int maxBreakTime) { this.api = api; this.minBotTime = minBotTime; this.maxBotTime = maxBotTime; this.minBreakTime = minBreakTime; this.maxBreakTime = maxBreakTime; this.random = new Random(); scheduleNextBreak(); } private void scheduleNextBreak() { long botTime = random.nextInt(maxBotTime - minBotTime + 1) + minBotTime; nextBreakTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + botTime * 60000L; } public boolean shouldTakeBreak() { return System.currentTimeMillis() >= nextBreakTime; } public void takeBreak() throws InterruptedException { long breakTime = random.nextInt(maxBreakTime - minBreakTime + 1) + minBreakTime; api.log("Taking a break for " + breakTime + " minutes."); api.getTabs().open(Tab.LOGOUT); MethodProvider.sleep(breakTime * 60000L); api.log("Break over, logging back in."); api.getTabs().open(Tab.LOGIN); /// THIS LINE NEEDS TO CHANGE? scheduleNextBreak(); } }
  16. Oh... My... God... The gui.. its......... BEAUTIFUL It's like an entire software suite! Can I get a trial so I can have a stalk from a developers point of view :)?
  17. Your pure account could've been 'flagged' while botting to 99 str. I have been thinking a lot about bot detection methods lately, it's impossible to say that the agility script got you banned as far as I'm aware. I can imagine the code like, if you're account was automatically flagged as a bot, perhaps theres a 2nd check "JUST TO BE SURE" sorta thing... so if you're acc gets flagged and then a few weeks later or whatever, you start botting again, the flag gets a 'Confirmation' if you will... That's kind of how I imagine the bot detection mechanisms basically anyway.
  18. Wow such a detailed response, appreciate it! Honestly don't be too shy of combat scripts! I've only had 1 death since I started and that was coz I was pushing the limits of the eating handlers really. I freakin started making a quest bot lastnight to do restless ghost, thought it would take 30 minutes but It's been about 4 hours and It's ALMOST done... fun stuff I'm thinking for now the looting mechanics on my script are good enough for an aio fighter like this, it's not made to be a looting script so not going to be focusing on that, more aiming for perfect fighting mechanics to push xp/hr rates. Also being made in f2p this bot is more or less for training bot farms, and low level hardcore ironmen etc, not mains. I'll definitely be making more loot focused scripts and I really like your priority looting idea actually, I can see how that would be beneficial if you're killing dragons or something and want to loot the bones over the hide, if theres 1 inventory space left, prioritizing the bones would be more humanlike and better for gp/hr rates etc.
  19. Some fire feedback there mate thank you, you're right, it is basic in the sense of, lots can break it, as i'm adding more features i always find this to be true, I don't have enough accounts/time it seems to do enough testing but I am getting there, slowly fixing one thing at a time. Your eating logic sounds a bit complicated, I know my eating method does need some attention, I was thinking of providing a range that it can eat at, say, eat between 20-30hp... for simplicity this seems like it could really work. Bots shouldn't really be risking until 1hit range but you're also right, that a human would I think I'll leave the current world hop feature to instantly world hop if a player comes by for now because I planned to ouse these same methods accross multiple scripts, including some wilderness content scripting. So basically if i player comes in the area it will straight away begin to hop. This feature is pretty smooth so I don't want to change it too much. 100% need attention to the looting, it is flawed at the moment, thats what i'm currently working on amongst gui changes.. I think I got carried away adding features and things started breaking so I'm working backwards currently... Thanks again for the great feedback! Are these features you've implemented in your scripts?
  20. With the game update, I can't do anymore testing atm sadly, so I thought it's time to share how my scripts are coming along. I have a few that are working solid and lately I've just been breaking them down and taking methods out into their own individual classes within seperate packages of the project so that I can reuse methods and features throughout my different scripts... I'm very happy with how they're looking too, nice and clean now, easy to read Here's the main class to my fighting bot, has a few nice and simple features with a plan for much more import org.osbot.rs07.api.map.Area; import org.osbot.rs07.api.model.GroundItem; import org.osbot.rs07.api.model.NPC; import org.osbot.rs07.api.ui.Skill; import org.osbot.rs07.script.Script; import org.osbot.rs07.script.ScriptManifest; import org.osbot.rs07.utility.ConditionalSleep; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.time.Instant; import java.util.*; import java.util.List; import antiban.basicAB; import extraFeatures.enableRun; import extraFeatures.WorldHopper; @ScriptManifest(name = "Fighter", author = "Dubai", version = 1.0, info = "Fights mobs", logo = "") public class Fighter extends Script { private enum State { WALK_TO_NPC, CHECK_HEALTH, FIND_TARGET, ATTACK_NPC, FIGHTING, LOOTING_CHECK, LOOTING, WALK_TO_BANK, BANK, HANDLE_BANK_INTERFACE, HOP_WORLD, ENABLE_RUN } private final Object lock = new Object(); private boolean guiDone = false; private NPC currentTargetNPC; private basicAB antiBan; private static Random random = new Random(); private State currentState; private final Area defaultBankArea = new Area(3009, 3355, 3017, 3358); private Area bankArea = defaultBankArea; private Map<String, Area> npcAreas = new HashMap<>(); private boolean enableEating; private String selectedFood; private int eatBelowHealth; private int withdrawFoodAmount; private List<Integer> hopWorlds; private boolean enableRun; private String selectedNPC; private boolean enableLooting; private List<String> itemsToLoot; private enableRun runEnabler; private WorldHopper hopWorld; public void setEnableAutoRetaliate(boolean selected) { System.out.println("Enable Auto-retaliate: " + selected); } public void setBuryBones(boolean selected) { System.out.println("Bury Bones: " + selected); } public void setEnableTalkBack(boolean selected) { System.out.println("Enable Talk-Back: " + selected); } public void setEnablePotion(boolean selected) { System.out.println("Enable Potion: " + selected); } public void setPotions(ArrayList<String> list) { System.out.println("Potions List: " + list); } public void setHopForPlayers(boolean hopForPlayers) { System.out.println("Hop for Players: " + hopForPlayers); } public void setEnableEating(boolean enableEating) { this.enableEating = enableEating; } public void setSelectedFood(String selectedFood) { this.selectedFood = selectedFood; } public void setEatBelowHealth(int eatBelowHealth) { this.eatBelowHealth = eatBelowHealth; } public void setWithdrawFoodAmount(int withdrawFoodAmount) { this.withdrawFoodAmount = withdrawFoodAmount; } public void setEnableRun(boolean enableRun) { this.enableRun = enableRun; } public void setSelectedNPC(String selectedNPC) { this.selectedNPC = selectedNPC; } public void setEnableLooting(boolean enableLooting) { this.enableLooting = enableLooting; } public void setItemsToLoot(List<String> itemsToLoot) { this.itemsToLoot = itemsToLoot; } public void setBankArea(Area bankArea) { this.bankArea = bankArea; } public void setHopWorlds(List<Integer> hopWorlds) { this.hopWorlds = hopWorlds; } public Object getLock() { return lock; } public void guiDone() { synchronized (lock) { guiDone = true; lock.notify(); } } private boolean shouldFindNewTarget() { return currentTargetNPC == null || !currentTargetNPC.exists() || currentTargetNPC.getHealthPercent() == 0; } @Override public void onStart() { antiBan = new basicAB(this); antiBan.setAntiBanChance(0.2); Instant startTime = Instant.now(); runEnabler = new enableRun(this); hopWorld = new WorldHopper(this, hopWorlds); npcAreas.put("Chicken", new Area(3026, 3282, 3037, 3289)); npcAreas.put("Cow", new Area(3022, 3298, 3042, 3312)); npcAreas.put("Monk", new Area(3200, 3400, 3210, 3410)); npcAreas.put("Guard", new Area(2963, 3389, 2968, 3399)); // Show GUI SwingUtilities.invokeLater(() -> new FighterGUI(this).showGUI()); // Wait for GUI to be done synchronized (lock) { while (!guiDone) { try { lock.wait(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } log("GUI done. Initializing state."); currentState = State.WALK_TO_NPC; // Set initial state } @Override public int onLoop() throws InterruptedException { if (!guiDone) { return 500; } if (random.nextInt(10) < 1) { antiBan.performAntiBan(); } if (enableRun) { runEnabler.enableRunMode(); } log("Current State: " + currentState); switch (currentState) { case WALK_TO_NPC: walkToNPC(); break; case FIGHTING: killNPC(); break; case LOOTING: pickupLoot(); break; case WALK_TO_BANK: walkToBank(); break; case BANK: handleBanking(); break; case HOP_WORLD: hopWorld.hopWorld(); break; default: log("Invalid state, switching to WALK_TO_NPC."); currentState = State.WALK_TO_NPC; break; } return random(1600, 1800); } private void walkToNPC() { if (!npcAreas.get(selectedNPC).contains(myPosition())) { log("Walking to NPC area..."); getWalking().webWalk(npcAreas.get(selectedNPC)); } else { if (!getCombat().isFighting()) { log("Arrived at NPC area."); currentState = State.FIGHTING; } } } private void killNPC() { if (enableEating && getInventory().getAmount(selectedFood) == 0) { log("Out of food, walking to bank..."); currentState = State.WALK_TO_BANK; return; } if (enableEating && getSkills().getDynamic(Skill.HITPOINTS) <= eatBelowHealth) { if (getInventory().contains(selectedFood)) { log("Eating food..."); getInventory().getItem(selectedFood).interact("Eat"); new ConditionalSleep(5000) { @Override public boolean condition() { return getSkills().getDynamic(Skill.HITPOINTS) > eatBelowHealth || !getInventory().contains(selectedFood); } }.sleep(); } else { log("No food in inventory while trying to eat, walking to bank..."); currentState = State.WALK_TO_BANK; return; } } if (shouldFindNewTarget()) { findAndAttackNewTarget(); } } private void findAndAttackNewTarget() { log("Finding a new target NPC..."); NPC newTarget = getNpcs().closest(npc -> npc.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(selectedNPC) && npcAreas.get(selectedNPC).contains(npc) && !npc.isUnderAttack() && !npc.isMoving()); if (newTarget != null) { currentTargetNPC = newTarget; currentTargetNPC.interact("Attack"); currentState = State.FIGHTING; } else { log("No NPC found in the area."); if (hopWorlds != null && !hopWorlds.isEmpty()) { log("Hopping worlds as no NPC found..."); currentState = State.HOP_WORLD; } else { log("World hopping not enabled. Returning to WALK_TO_NPC state."); currentState = State.WALK_TO_NPC; } } } private void pickupLoot() { if (enableLooting) { GroundItem loot = getGroundItems().closest(item -> itemsToLoot.contains(item.getName()) && npcAreas.get(selectedNPC).contains(item)); if (loot != null && loot.exists()) { log("Picking up loot: " + loot.getName()); loot.interact("Take"); new ConditionalSleep(3000) { @Override public boolean condition() { return !loot.exists(); } }.sleep(); } else { log("No more items to loot."); currentState = State.FIGHTING; } } else { log("Looting disabled, returning to fighting."); currentState = State.FIGHTING; } } private void walkToBank() { if (!bankArea.contains(myPosition())) { log("Walking to bank area..."); getWalking().webWalk(bankArea); } else { log("Arrived at bank."); currentState = State.BANK; } } private void handleBanking() throws InterruptedException { if (getBank().isOpen()) { if (enableEating && getInventory().getAmount(selectedFood) < withdrawFoodAmount) { log("Withdrawing food: " + selectedFood); getBank().withdraw(selectedFood, withdrawFoodAmount); new ConditionalSleep(3000) { @Override public boolean condition() { return getInventory().getAmount(selectedFood) >= withdrawFoodAmount; } }.sleep(); } log("Closing bank."); getBank().close(); currentState = State.WALK_TO_NPC; } else { log("Opening bank..."); getBank().open(); new ConditionalSleep(5000) { @Override public boolean condition() { return getBank().isOpen(); } }.sleep(); } } @Override public void onPaint(Graphics2D g) { g.drawString("Current State: " + currentState, 10, 20); } @Override public void onExit() { log("Script stopped."); } } Still planning to take some stuff out like the banking handling into its own class, also haven't done much for the onpaint for this script yet but the gui is looking nice. Any feedback greatly appreciated!
  21. You should like the scripts I've been working on as I've taken all your advice on board! Thanks for the comment! Absolutely agree as it's such a boost in my motivation even if I don't land the job, I'll be more confident on the next one! I've been updating my github and I've shared it with the company aswell so hopefully they check out what I've been working on. I even added some of my osbot scripts to my github for them to look at
  22. Had some spare time yesterday so started sending out some job applications for junior dev positions while i finish my CS degree... anyways started working on some osbot scripts and since yesterday went from writing simple script classes to full blown projects with packages and everything is looking awesome and thennnnn BOOM had my first ever tech interview on the phone... went for about 20 minutes and hopefully get an email to schedule a face to face interview later in this week the guy said on the phone! Just a quick rant, very excited, I also plan to share some of the scripts I've been working on later tonight hopefully! Any suggestions for scripts or the interview (fingers crossed i even get one - even if i dont; its a huge motivator) appreciated!
  23. I remember using this like 7 years ago or something
  24. Ok ok ok... I think I get it now. So are some of the more complex scripts we see on the market here, compiled as whole packages rather than just single class files compiled into a jar?
  25. Actually thats a really good idea, got me thinking actually what about going one up? Having generalized Classes rather then just functions you can re-use. For examply my "Tree chopper script" could be re used in a more AIO script by group classes together. Then say for whatever reason you need to re use that class its just a matter of extending its use. This sounds really good in my head but probably is very impracticle and may sound stupid I'm not sure...
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