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Everything posted by idontbot42069
Trial please
honestly i know it would probably work fairly well at the bank spot but this is a little different case as im using it to help my league alt on the side to have fun with LOL
i love all your scripts and this one in general works pretty well but trying to do knights of ardougne with this is INFURIATING. iv trapped one in the south house, turn on and it simply runs to the middle and pickpockets one. trap in north house it locks it in and eventually the spawn resets, which then leads to running again out of the house and acting like a fool. any time a knight walks slightly out of the programmed zone the bot will run back to the middle of the market to find a knight even though its literally already pickpocketing one that just happened to walk another step. NOTHING i have done for any of the settings allows the bot to actually function properly on ardougne knights.
for point 2 i mean the bot gets the points for reward number 1, goes to each room to get points then buys the item and banks. it would be far more efficient and save a lot of time if it gathered ALL points for ALL items in the reward queue before moving on to the next room.
works very well but a few suggestions: 1. making the bot click the pillars directly in the alching room and not the minimap to move to the next one would make this far less "bot like". VERY telling when your character zooms off behind the stuff every time cause its clicking the minimap.. 2. options to get all points before buying. takes a lot of extra time for the bot to resupply and swap rooms every single time it has the points for a reward...simply staying until it gathers the points for all rewards wanted would save a ton of time. 3. rarely it will clickin the wrong spell when alching (perhaps due to lag) and then it wont unclick the wrong spell and will get stuck bought still. thanks for the trial
can i get a trial. ill be going to sleep soon tho so hopefully it wont be almost over by the time i wake up lol
very simple ui. works flawlessly. ty
im trying at the far north spot left of the boat. i have tried afk mode, afk mode with safe spot. setting an area with afk mode, even if i just start the bot and check no settings at all it runs back and forth like mad resetting aggro for no reason
yea iv tried just about everything and i cant get this bot to just sit in a damn spot and afk until it needs to run for aggro... i just want it to stand in 1 single spot and reset when needed....that's it
Will get you a gif soon. It always clicks off to the side of the platform like its gonna run to the portals this does not happen every time. maybe 75% of the time. https://gyazo.com/6db2d2f7307fdff63eacc2b85bfdce43 i love the scripts khal but tbh this one seems very risky, few things 1. not running to the platform at start like normal people would 2. running after mobs to the side too much and "dancing" back and forth making a decision 3. when fighting mobs away from the platform when they die it will double click the spot the monster was in and then stand in that spot 4. the bot will try to attack shifters that are in the towers attacking archers, 100% dead giveaway to anyone watching. 5. not returning to the platform when there is no monsters to kill after killing ranged mobs, bot will just stand there p.s this is with all default settings, no breaks enabled and on defend the knight mode. no spec/pray/ect
i am running this exclusively on defend mode and my only concern is that when the game starts it almost always clicks off to some random spot and then waits for mobs to spawn... this is extremely sus to anyone watching. it would be amazing if the bot would simply run up to the middle by the knight at the start, at least while the "defend knight" option is on the bot in general seems to run around the edges of the middle area far too much and should really focus on staying on the platform imo
aww man that's sad to hear, I also came here for this. huge feature and would draw a lot of attention. I don't care if it wont even run there, just farm and then bank at island chest and log out is good enough for me xD
Going great so far. Few suggestions for a bit more stealth. Would be nice if it didnt turn on prayer when going to a final tomb to enter the tunnel. Also its really a dead giveaway to anyone nearby that someone is using this bot when it stops at every row when running through a long tunnel. If the bot could just click as far possible to run in the tunnel or click faster so it doesnt stop it would be far less obvious. Overall great bot though. Thanks
odd its working not that iv restarted my pc and stuff. not sure what the hang up was. will snag an ss if it happens again.
I will do so when i get home. I tried rotating the camera various ways and my inventory was blank with a chisel in the last spot. Started manually moved to the rocks and it mines then gets stuck again on the shortcut. Always flawless before now. SS coming soon
having an issue now with the arceuss blood runes. bot keeps going to the north shortcut and says its heading to the shortcut but then will just continue going back and forth across the rocks.
on scale of 1-10 how safe for HC? can i get a trial? thanks
Yet another amazing script, dont even bother with a trial all khaleesi scripts are top notch. Curious if it would be possible to add saw mill plank making before depositing an inventory. Woodcutting guild mainly would be great but i understand if not. Thanks!
with 75 hp it is now healing at 30-35 range! feels much better now. you're the best!
awesome, thanks! i have 74 currently.
working fine now. running master farmers. bots great, maybe adding custom healing thresholds with % variation might make the bot a little bit less obvious when thieving in high traffic areas. seems a little bit fishy when my char is always healing at 13 hp up to 20 repeatedly. anyways thanks for the great scripts!
after update bot opens bank and then entire client lags to the point of needing to force close.
is there a way to change what health it eats at? im using this on a HC atm and getting to 13~ hp is giving me anxiety lmao. but its working great lmao
Thanks but i already purchased. Your scripts are legit!
Can i get a trial please? Thank you!