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About Garbage70

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  1. Can't seem to get it to work, just says unconfirmed and a bunch of numbas. And yes i went on chrome and right clicked and tried to save it like the advice above.
  2. Please for fucks sake just leave us alone Jagex. You've taken enough already. I bet they sell their seized GP/items too for $$$
  3. B> lvl 3 (or just a lower lvl acc in general) between 82-99 fishing. Full anglers outfit (quests done) CLEAN acc history please, It's not proper to sell people dogshit. =D
  4. Garbage70

    Stealth Quester

    Hey sir, sorry to bother you =/ but there's a a little glitch on the waterfall quest that causes babysitting for 1 part. When you get to one of the last steps of the quest. Using the rope on the tree to get into the waterfall. The problem is the bot doesn't automatically switch necklaces. So everytime you have to babysit that part of the quest, It's not the end of the world but i figured i should let you know. i'm Sorry for the bad news.. It would be such an AMAZING script if there wasn't that tiny glitch that makes you fall down the river and repeat and repeat. Should be and ez fix tho
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