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Everything posted by LiamBaby

  1. Yuck Fox's party rings (going oldschool )
  2. This one looks pretty nice :p
  3. The Xbox one looks really disappointing, and I've never liked the PS controllers or system. So most likely neither, and I'll just stick with my Xbox 360
  4. You should use sleeksnap for print screening, it runs in java and it's quick & easy to use.
  5. As good as it looks, you don't need to create a new thread about it. Simply post on this thread http://osbot.org/forum/topic/4572-site-additions-subway-skin/ This section is for forum help issues only
  6. LiamBaby

    BETA v1.7.8

    This broke the rare finder script, either that or it won't login anymore
  7. I bet he'll be horrified by the message I sent back of what I can do to his Internet B)
  8. I didn't like league too much, try to get diamond on my snipers :c
  9. Was playing league play on BO2, this guy and 0 kills and 7 deaths on search and destroy. Told him to leave because he was shit, and so he did. About an hour later I got this message Never laughed so hard in my life
  10. You can feel free to join my clan B)
  11. I played it one time, didn't like it
  12. Sounds like a great idea! Support
  13. Post your GT: xLiam Babyx What game(s) you play: Black Ops 2, mostly. What type of mode do you play: Hardcore team and search, quickscopes
  14. Support, helps for bumping posts
  15. RangeGuild looks the best :p well done
  16. LiamBaby


    Background used: http://i.imgur.com/zwOBpnm.png Render used: http://i.imgur.com/HeKRhjO.png
  17. Forgot about this thread :p reading over your applications now Accepted So far so good, accepted. Failed to complete format, denied. Will give you a tryout Will give you a tryout
  18. Not one person mentioned it? Pokemon Fire Red Pokemon Emerald Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Red Rescue Team - I have a Gameboy emulator for my iPhone B)
  19. LiamBaby

    Support rank

    Yeah I was trying to make it a question mark, but it looked messy because I don't have the .psd for that pip
  20. LiamBaby


    Just the sharpen edges tool :p
  21. LiamBaby


    It really wouldn't look better in colour
  22. LiamBaby

    Support rank

    How about a rank that is dedicated to helping members in the support section, and around other various parts of the forum Sketch idea of the pip Edit: How it would look on a users profile:
  23. LiamBaby


    The name of the entire piece :p caliginous is a synonym for dark Thank you Thanks, I need some IRL renders D:
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