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Everything posted by LiamBaby

  1. You can't be serious.. It's as laggy as safari
  2. Microsoft's gamertag changer for 800 MSP is such a rip off. It should be like RuneScape's, 1 name change a month. They make enough money anyway...
  3. That screen doesn't show up anymore, issue fixed. Req close
  4. Doesn't work on Opera which my main phone browser, hope they get rid of this issue
  5. LiamBaby


    Didn't wanna upload vid because of lagg, but edited my main post :l
  6. LiamBaby


    You win fuckers ¬.¬ Time to do this
  7. LiamBaby


    Kinda bored ¬_¬ If this gets 15 likes, I shall sing the entire pokemon theme song and upload it :| True talent friends: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_hCZIOhc8zE
  8. It works on all browsers except the ones that don't support animation etc, and safari is so much slower that Opera
  9. Get stuck at this page http://i.imgur.com/7BSVsMD.png
  10. LiamBaby

    1M+/hour guide

    Or... you could work hard for the cash, and know you'll actually get money out of it with no risk involved.
  11. Hi I'll be able to get rid of this RAT for you, send me a private message
  12. Change the font colour, it's unreadable on subway theme
  13. I'd say McAfee is possibly the worst antivirus that there is
  14. Yeah haha I am too, just thought diamond snipers would look pretty cool
  15. Hi! To make the avatar move, it must be within the specified maximum width and height. Exceeding the amount will cause it to resize and compress into JPG format which doesn't support animation. Liam
  16. Thanks :p and I know xD I have to be good at quickscoping if I have to get 10 blood thirsty's with this gun :p
  17. Hardcore search and destroy. Machine gun vs Sniper? ;D http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xUXp6JpqtLI
  18. I like cookies :p Where did my penis pasta post go >
  19. Hi Add an exception to your antiviruses firewall. I'm unsure as to why it is blocking the forums, I personally don't have any antivirus software on my computer as they're not very reliable. Liam
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