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Everything posted by GcwRyan

  1. bot or hand trained? I can do for 2m and feedback.
  2. Script is flawless, won't lie. 2 accounts have been banned, but I've been running multiple accounts now with 50-90 fming, so far so good. Prices are crashing hard though.
  3. Bought the script, ran 3 accounts and had them all ban by 3 games, pretty weird. Didn't bot ANYTHING else on the account.
  4. GcwRyan

    Main osrs

    so around 50m, any other price suggestions?
  5. GcwRyan

    Main osrs

    Void, Fcape, Slayer helm, Zerker (i) Dragon gloves, need more qps for Barrows. 115 atm. 86 combat, never been botted, no offences.
  6. can I get like a couple hour trial for your thiever to try it first? Thanks

  7. Can I get a trial please?
  8. how much you looking to pay at most
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