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Everything posted by Gojira

  1. Currently, double posts are not merged if your posts are being moderated after a warning. When I post something, I sometimes forget something essential that I'd like to add, therefore I post another comment. Normally, this second post (double post...) would be merged. However, if your comments have to be approved after a warning, these posts appear as a double post. Thanks!
  2. Gojira


    Then remove your first feedback? May 18 2013 01:09 AM Leveled my Farming for free. +1 Buyer: Sedloc
  3. Gojira


    Why would we give people positive feedback for services that don't involve trust on both sides, such as free leveling services? Also, this.
  4. Some problems on 1.5.7: - Molly -- it doesn't catch the Twin, or anyone at all. - Maze -- it doesn't activate. - Evil Chicken -- it doesn't run, so it dies. - Rock Golem -- it doesn't run, so it dies. EDIT: Got my fifth maze in a matter of hours. Grrrrr!
  5. Was 'sjkl043' the first scammer?

    1. Occazn


      No. He didn't want to go first so I didn't sell to him.

    2. Rare


      Hey, just wanted to say thanks on the reports. You're doing really well with the posts. Keep it up.

  6. The two prices for Sponsor are different. http://osbot.org/forum/store/ EDIT: Ah, it's the renewal fee.. so any renewal is $45.99 instead of $55.99?
  7. If only my latency on NA was anything like that on EUW...
  8. I lol'd! inb4 over 9000 likes
  9. It doesn't matter how we feel about this. The admins clearly state in their rules that it's not allowed.
  10. I wholeheartedly agree. I suggest anyone who hasn't read the rules and opens a topic regardless, should immediately get a warning, too. I'm trying to contain myself when I see people saying "im trusted, look at my *other community* profile" .. well, first of all, you're not allowed to link to other communities. Second of all, you're not allowed to use vouches from another community, only from within this community. -____-
  11. Gojira


    Mumble would end up being dead, too. The Live Chat that was recently added to the navigation bar on the forums isn't even that active.
  12. This is for PSX only, so no PS2 or PS3 games. Have you even read the guide?
  13. It's because of my 1337haxx
  14. Very funny, indeed. Uhhhhh.........
  15. Gojira


    I thought I was slow...... ahahah!
  16. Gojira


    But yeah, pretty good idea. The only thing that slightly bothers me is having 'your own' admins & mods even though the server is meant for the OSBot community. I feel the OSBot admins/mods should have atleast some influence, because it's their community after all. However, if they were to go with a Ventrilo server.. I think they should pay it themselves. It's not that much and again, it's their community.
  17. Gojira


    > "I have lots of experience" > Types Ventrilo with a double l five hundred times :P
  18. That's Playstation 2, I'm afraid! But dude, pick up a PS2 for 15$ with 1-2 controllers and a memory card and buy the games for like 3-4$ each.. they're dirt cheap. I have four PS2's right now + 50 games. I've even bought a PS2 + 2 controllers + memory card + 31 games for 50 euros!
  19. How to play Playstation games on your PC Step 1. Download the latest version of ePSXe from http://www.epsxe.com/download.php Extract the files to a directory that's easy for you to find, for example, a directory named 'ePSXe' on your desktop. Step 2. Configure ePSXe. Upon running ePSXe, you will see a window asking you to configure ePSXe. What you'll need for this is a Playstation BIOS, a graphic plugin and a sound plugin. ePSXe supplies their own sound plugin, but you will have to download a Playstation BIOS and a graphic plugin. For the BIOS, I recommend scph1001.bin. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=scph1001.bin Download the BIOS, then put it in the 'bios' directory in your ePSXe directory. For the graphic plugin, I recommend Pete's OpenGL driver. http://www.pbernert.com/html/gpu.htm Download the plugin, then put it in the 'plugins' directory in your ePSXe directory. For the sound plugin, well, it's already supplied. However, you can use others. Certain games will work better with other sound plugins, but I can't really say which ones will work best. Step 3. Download Playstation ISO images. I highly recommend http://coolrom.com for this. They really have a great website. Their website has a a huge collection of files and you can even put games in a download queue. They probably have huge bandwidth costs, so be kind and click an ad or two.. Step 4. Starting up a game. Load a ISO file by clicking 'file', 'Run ISO' and selecting the ISO file you just downloaded. -- OR -- Simply insert one of the Playstation games you still have laying around and click 'file', 'run CDROM'. I highly recommend ISO files, however, as this greatly reduces the loading times. This tip also applies to PC games, btw! Step 5. Enjoy playing your favourite childhood games! Step 6. Now, this step is optional but I highly recommend it, as it greatly increases comfort and fun! Buy a PSX controller from craigslist, eBay or from a friend or something. Next, buy a USB to PSX converter from eBay. These usually cost like 4$ including shipping. Here's a link for your convenience. usb to playstation | eBay Enjoy, guys! I will add pictures tomorrow.. not sure if that's needed, however. Some recommended games: Bloody Roar 2, Final Fantasy VII, Bomberman World, Abe's Exoddus, Abe's Oddysee, Crash Bandicoot, Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back, Crash Bandicoot Crash Team Racing, Crash Bandicoot Warped, Tekken 3, Ape Escape, Ape Escape 2, Gran Turismo 2, Metal Gear Solid. These are in random order and more are to be added.
  20. Having two tabs right now would actually enable me to write scripts, starting at this very moment. I'd love to write scripts, but I really don't feel like turning off the bot that is using my one-and-only tab. Obviously, there are ways around the 'one tab' limit.. such as VMWare.
  21. .. *and* contribute to the community. I really don't feel leechers are supposed to be rewarded for their non-effort.
  22. Just a quick heads-up. The formatting (font colour / font type, etc.) in the OP is broken.
  23. Read what I've written below. Hmm, I don't really agree with the 'active' part.. because someone who is spamming is technically active, as well. I feel that users that contribute to this community should definitely get two or three tabs. I think it should be up to the admins / mods to determine who has contributed to the community and who is deserving of multiple tabs. Two tabs would be a very nice addition, however.. as I currently don't use any other client than OSBot unless I want to log in world 1 or 2 and I have two accounts..
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