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yewwcer last won the day on May 15 2013

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  1. yewwcer

    BETA v1.7.6

    sick i was hating freaky forester
  2. Yeah man, I like pokemon too.
  3. i can buy a membership ​let alone VIP LOL and have the account paid for itself after 24 hours ... once you get caught botting, you wait out the 2 day ban, then continue gold farming even more lmao
  4. yewwcer

    BETA v1.7.2

    swarm is still out there and evil trying to kill us botters banks but noo ring of life ftw bomb update hope this fixes all the banking issues
  5. studies show if you report botters there is a high chance you suck cock (if you are a girl reading this, you're a whore)
  6. frog princess glitched, molly glitched 1. doesn't finish frog dialogue even if you click halfway through it for the bot 2. molly doesn't leave the crane room or finish dialogue with her also up until this update i never used accounts. hen trying to make an account in gui it doesn't work. so i found clicking create new account then closing that window instead of trying to save the details, leaves a new account to be used instead of no account at all
  7. damn i got a sythe when i was botting though lol
  8. YOU GET A RANDOM EVERY 15MINS IN THE STRONG HOLD BELOW BARB VILLY. just bury a bone to activate it
  9. yewwcer

    BETA v1.6.12

    lost 15m with this update fix 1 thing 2 more things break -.- life oh, well molly dont work. and frog makes u tele then u come back but thats still bot looking. no other errors i was able to notice with randoms
  10. i cut yews in gnome stronghold, and this was my first ban. not sure why im the unlucky one to get a month instead of 2days.
  11. well im banned for a month and i used a bot in world 4 for about 8 hours, 1 day
  12. lF Y0U D0N'T W4NT T0 G3T B4NN3D D0N'T G3T R3P0RT3D WHIL3 B0TTlNG

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