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Everything posted by Gojira

  1. Not the point he was trying to make at all. It will lower the chances of getting a permban immediately, because of his 'dirty' IP.
  2. Yeah, I think it got hacked somehow. Going to try this: https://href.li/?http://services.runescape.com/m=forum/forums.ws?14,15,586,65673781 EDIT: Nevermind, there's no point:
  3. So, I just tried logging in on (what I assume was) my main after a long time away from OSRS. I couldn't. The account is banned since june 2015, even though I haven't touched my accounts for well over 1,5 year. Reason for ban: macroing. Three times. How? Here's a screenie of another account.. derp.
  4. Gojira

    BETA v1.7.2

    This version also disabled the ability to report people for macroing.. lol!
  5. Gojira

    BETA v1.6.12

    Any changes to Beehive? It's not working on 1.6.11.
  6. I assumed he was AP Yi, too.. but I couldn't be more wrong! dat build, though.. lolololol Source: http://www.lolking.net/summoner/eune/37599444#history
  7. I used the word 'professional' because I don't really know how to tell you what I'm thinking. It just looks good and fits the forums better than all the fancy logos I've seen posted so far. You may think it's made by ten-year-old, but I don't. The current logo looks better than the one you've just posted. Yours looks more 'playful' (again, for lack of a better word). Then again, you've taken 'multiple classes on graphic design', so my opinion really doesn't matter.. does it? All kidding aside; in the end it's about what the owners of OSBot and possibly the (majority of) members like.
  8. Bump. I'd like everyone's thoughts on this!
  9. Gojira

    New Logo?

    The one posted in the OP looks much more unprofessional. Agreed.
  10. In your opinion #4 looks professional? If anything, #4 looks the most professional out of them all, IMHO.
  11. I think the option to edit reviews should be enabled. For example, I left a review on OSCooker. You can read the review down below. OSCooker is currently outdated, but when it is updated, I'd like to review my review and give a higher rating + edit the comment. Right now, that's impossible.. so there's already three reviews with 1 out of 5 stars attached to them, giving OSCooker a bad name. Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to work. Raw Lobsters Rogues' Den OSBot v1.6.9 OSCooking version 31/05/2013 Also, how can I remove scripts from my SDN tab? I currently have 3x OSCooker there.. http://osbot.org/forum/store/product/12-os-cooker/
  12. I wholeheartedly agree. The current signatures are already enormous, but that signature in the OP is just ridiculously big. I really don't feel like scrolling 2x as much just because of your need to have a 1024x768 signature. Yes, I know we can ignore signatures of specific users.. but why should I have to put in work for something that's caused by another member? What's wrong with a small or medium-sized signature? I think the maximum amount of lines should be decreased, also.
  13. You may be able to, but you'll get a warning that OSBot is outdated and it will exit. The developer of that script should update it to work with the latest version.
  14. How is nulling unused RAM memory going to prevent your laptop from getting hot?
  15. Again; You stole this from another site and didn't even credit. I was referring to the performance part, haha. How can you tell it sped up your pc?
  16. Freaky Forrester is bugged indeed. I also have the problem where 3-4 bots on ONE client lag me very seriously, while running more bots than 3-4 on multiple clients doesn't give me lag whatsoever. What's wrong? Is the bot not working properly with multithreads?
  17. Using Laz' Flax Spinner 1.0 (1.1 is too laggy with 2-3 bots) with OSBot 1.6.3 - FrogQueen + FrogCave broken - DrillDemon broken
  18. Check your PM box. You'll have to set the PIN yourself.
  19. Thank you. It really is a bot-breaking missing feature that I assume is easy to fix. Looking forward to it!
  20. Isn't that why you released the random management system in the first place? http://osbot.org/forum/topic/2807-random-management-system-new-account-gui/ And what about 'pin pending'? I've given you my account to test and you said you were done, yet it still isn't released.
  21. Peter, take this as constructive criticism; please use interpunction in your sentences. Without comma's or periods it's very hard to understand you sometimes..

  22. Evil Chicken, Rock Golem, Mining Gas .. and Maxi, will you pleaaaase just implement 'pin pending' already?
  23. dat technoviking!

  24. So why did you edit my post? Stop doing that, unless I ask you to or when its actually needed.Theres a search function that will only function if the keywords you just removed are in a post. Please revert the title to 'Where is the vip forum?'. After that you can lock it or I will do it myself.
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