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Everything posted by Spooney

  1. Add my discord Skinny#3965 thanks in advance.
  2. nice proggie , Showing all who isn't in the discord. script is flawless.
  3. mirror is alot safer mate will get you further than stealth will get you.
  4. its a big issue at the moment with 3rd party clients getting detected and banned. Good choice on VIP. use breaks and will see impressive results with czar scripts.
  5. cause your using stealth mode, you need mirror mode. don't bot long hours without breaks its not realistic. i haven't been banned in a longtime now. sorry for your loss.
  6. Hey buddy, can sell you voucher for osgp.
  7. nice little run on 2 accounts.
  8. thanks mate, just getting 15 agility and 15 strength. then be on my way
  9. HI mate. very nice idea for a script, can i please have a trial? will leave a honest review and run for the full 24 hours, see how far it gets me on a throwaway account. thanks
  10. use mirror mode, its a must.
  11. dont think he going to give that away tbh. have to learn your own botting times and see what works best for you, if accounts get banned quickly, bot less time with more breaks.
  12. here is the link to store OSBot Membership - OSBot :: 2007 OSRS Botting
  13. unlucky mate. make new and try again
  14. if still need add me on discord. Skinny#3965
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