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Everything posted by Spooney

  1. nice little run on a freshy. just posting to let interested buyers know. script is goated. 6 fresh accounts botted from tutorial island. all running smooth.
  2. never heard of that. Following topic, encase someone knows but could be fake.
  3. Awesome, cheers Czar.
  4. Very nice bro. Looking to purchase myself soon get them 99s coming in
  5. he definitely knows not to do it again.
  6. Make sure you have java 8.
  7. How much would 73 agility accounts go for? no other stats. no bans thanks in advance.
  8. nice to see that bro looking foward to a update!
  9. $150 easy mate. you also need 100 posts to sell on here just a heads up, encase you didn't know.
  10. welcome. enjoy your stay.
  11. i can't give exact break times, I've learned my methods with trial and error. Maxed i've botted is 73 but thats all i needed. It has been done succesfully without any issues. Just do human times. Dont bot 3-4 hours without any breaks. make loads of accounts and try different methods, eventually you will find something that makes your accounts last longer. best of luck
  12. I never been able to run agility overnight or run for long hours without a ban. Mirror or stealth. more successful with breaks. i can assure you that.
  13. agility is probably one of the hardest skills to bot, imo. You need to take breaks doing that mate. new accounts get banned very quickly. You need to let them rest or bot something less high ban rate and use alot of breaks. 2 accounts running so far they both new accounts.
  14. nice man. still going strong then?
  15. Thanks brother, im already there. ive messaged you
  16. the grind is starting.
  17. Just bought this and your agility script. Showing that support got 4 all together now stocking up nicely.
  18. I can vouch for this guy. I dont know him personally, but what a great scripter. here's a current proggie still running -
  19. common sense really. fuck me, brain dead people here, honestly
  20. thanks for the update congrats on 99!
  21. very impressed mate. running on 9 accounts atm - all 60+ so far.
  22. always a risk when botting, no account is safe. I've heard its a great script, use mirror mode and take breaks.
  23. Just bought very nicely made. So much better with mirror mode - accounts definitely lasting longer
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