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  1. Any chance this script which is brilliant, will get the new varlamore agility course added?
  2. No worries! just thought I would check
  3. @Khaleesi any luck on adding the Tokkul for the gem store? or would it be too hard to do?
  4. Could you add the Hosidious house teleport redirection one to the teleports? scripts runs very well though!
  5. Any chance of a trial on this please?
  6. CrazyMate

    Stealth Quester

    If you do trials, please could I get one?
  7. Just purchased and was running the lunar spell glassmake. It was running perfectly and then only withdrew 1 sand and started clicking the spell over and over as it couldn’t work. Could you add a fail safe that if it doesn’t have enough sand, it refreshes the inventory? Still had 9k sand in the bank left!
  8. @Khaleesi just wondered if you had been able to look at the above yet?
  9. Am I being stupid? As i cannot find the banking option for the hopper? and it just runs to the temporas bank everytime? @Czar Found it
  10. Thank you! didn’t realise it didn’t do it and would love it if it could
  11. @Khaleesi any chance you could add Tzhaar-Hur_rin (Gem Store ) ? In Mor Ul Rek with the bank just north? Need to buy gems on the iron man for crafting ?
  12. Any chance of a trial please ?
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