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Everything posted by xFoxsta

  1. I'm using the ZMI method atm, and one thing i've noticed is when it goes to teleport back to the start, it will click mage book, then inventory, then mage book, then teleport everytime. Not sure if it's because i'm using a rune pouch but here's the log. INFO][Bot #1][08/17 AM]: We've stopped moving! [INFO][Bot #1][08/17 AM]: animated! [-1] [INFO][Bot #1][08/17 AM]: animated! [1816] [INFO][Bot #1][08/17 AM]: Lost item: Astral rune [INFO][Bot #1][08/17 AM]: Lost item: Law rune [INFO][Bot #1][08/17 AM]: animated! [-1]
  2. Can I get a trial of this ?
  3. Great script, i'm definitely going to purchase this after I finish 99 agility with your script :P, any chance you could add dragon pickaxe spec for bloods/souls? I also feel the speed needs to be faster for chiseling the ess. It's really slow. After running for a half hour now, I notice that with the chisel blocks while running option, it always will click the chisel before clicking the map to run. I do have the chisel in the last spot as well. I think if you can fix the chiseling this script will be really good!
  4. Can I get a trial and what would you recommend as a fast yet safe method of doing hunter at 85+
  5. Does this script have maniacal monkeys
  6. Ahh, I must of missed that option. Thanks for the quick responses and dealing with me haha. I'll trust you with about the pathing because I do plan on using this on an almost maxed main in the future. It's just when I watched it, it kept clicking so far away from the bag before banking it, Although I didn't play with it to much. Thanks again for everything!
  7. I understand that, but it didn't feel random. It would go 4 squares south of the bag then return north to get into the bag then deposit into the bank vs the closer deposit box. I didn't use the upper as well, that could be why i felt the pathing was off too. As far as turning off the the strut's, if you could make it to where it only turns the struts on when the bag would be full, other than every run if that's possible, it's not a big deal though.
  8. The script works, but the movement/pathing is very bot like (goes further than it needs too), and I have the option to not fix the struts and it still will try to fix it if it needs it.
  9. Thanks for the random trial! I much prefer this one! I will be buying !
  10. Thanks! The script has been working well. I'm using masterfarmer and wish I could pick which seeds it dropped vs junk seeds.
  11. I just bought your agility bot and it works great! Can I get a trial of this? Will probably buy this also if it works the way I want.
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