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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Hermitrage

  1. Hermitrage

    Fruity NMZ

    great job on this. looks very good. can't wait to use it!
  2. How on earth can you say ps4 and not Bloodborne?
  3. oh damn the times. I remember watching a runescape f2p war on some other video website. it was back in 2006 I believe. Youtube changed everything.
  4. damn, my skin area around the big scar is numb too. this never changes?
  5. Yesterday I re-added RSH for him to help me get the account back, however, I do believe this is never going to happen as the owner took it back and happily leveled it with my belongings on it (I checked the highscores). I do not know how I should provide proof that it got hacked other than showing the login screen showing the password is invalid. Also the email that came with it got recovered. I don't know why RSH thinks I made this up as he did nothing wrong to me, everything went smoothly before the recovery. (Staff Only) The password I set is not working.. just like on runescape of course... If anyone likes to check the highscores, the account name is (Staff only) and the ranged level and defence level were 61 and 44 before it got hacked. It clearly got played on by somebody else. (Staff Only) When I try to recover the email that is connected to the account it shows 2 phone numbers I do not posess (Staff Only) There is not a single way I made this up. I would've thought RSH was a legit guy if nothing had happened as he acted really smoothly before trading etc. I think he really just wanted to get rid of it before it got taken from his own hands. hence the 15m A/W which seems pretty low for an obby tank that had 55 slayer.
  6. shin splints maybe? look it up, i had it too. you get it when your bones have to tank a lot of jumps and when you're usually walking on bad shoes/hard floor
  7. I hear a lot of Bball players tear their ACL/Menisci. If it has recently started hurting, and you haven't ever heard a snap or any sort, you might have something like tendinitis. I would get it checked out man, you don't wanna end up here.
  8. why the fuck are we on a botting website again???
  9. Also, sometimes the Foreman disappears and it waits till it comes back. this may explain its inactivity. make sure you have enough $$ in your inventory when your smithing is below 60
  10. yeah, like, on it. for 40 seconds yeah
  11. MCL is exactly what I thought i had torn before the MRI scan. but it was worse... I will get better for sure, I can't live without jumping from at least 2 meters high
  12. ACL torn and reconstructed. Any of ye boys tear this some time? Can't play football till at least 2016. RIP in pieces. P.S: No hate on the leg hair, I just have too much testosterone This is what it looked like 2 days post-op (warning: may look a bit yuck): http://i.gyazo.com/6e5600825acb0ce2b6980a729dc598ac.png
  13. I hope so, i'd like to run more than 3 bots at a time!
  14. When I click my notifications I see this instead of what I'm supposed to see. started a few hours ago. why?
  15. You should never say something like that when there's Europeans around. Especially the brits.
  16. Hermitrage

    Alright, How much for just a coal bag account? (59-61 mining + 100 nuggets)
  17. Hermitrage

    60 smithing with coal bag, how much?
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