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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Hermitrage

  1. Script used: Extreme AIO Hunter, Khal's Blast Furnace Mirror or normal client used: Normal client (on the banned account) and Mirror mode (non-banned accounts) How many accounts banned: 1 How many accounts not banned: 2
  2. I tried hermitrage too at first but my login name for the osbot client is hermitrage1, so maybe try Flax_1?
  3. use shutdown timer to shut down PC and all processes
  4. jesus check out my sig. I killed this script and now i will murder its family
  5. Yo Khal, They updated the foreman. you can now right-click -> Pay the foreman so it saves a lot of times. also I still can't run the script without the bot paying the foreman on my 68 smither....
  6. The one on the PSP was the best: Monster hunter freedom unite. Its not on the 3DS and this is almost as good as freedom unite, if not, better! It has flawless online play on a handheld and even a chat option. you can easily pull 600 hours out of it...
  7. MH4U right now, because that game is perfect. Good online play and monsters from MHFU I used to play frontier too but since its so much japanese I quit it for a while. I don't know how to play MHFU online so if someone knows, please tell me anyway, anyone playing MH4U?
  8. What's your gangs name? Mirror-motherfuckers Who are the members from here? Me and @LeBron What is your signature outfit that gets people to recognize your gang? smithing skillcapes Special skills/assets your gang has? you hit yourself because we're mirror motherfuckers Weapon of choice? mirrors
  9. I hope he still has that badass voice
  10. thanks man! Although, I think I will stick to botting for now
  11. yep, once ore runs out it logs out.
  12. Hi guys, I followed this guide: http://osbot.org/forum/topic/69569-using-digital-ocean-to-run-osbot-start-to-finish/ and got my bot up and running BUT without mirror client. for that I would need to be able to run the rs client. How do I run this client? It seems to be a MSI file and no idea how to execute it on ubuntu... thanks in advance
  13. I asked the physiotherapist today. he told me the nerves that were cut need to regrow. It could be that they sometimes mess up and don't connect, its not that bad, fortunately
  14. Bought another account of him. This time he was the original owner. Don't expect anything weird like the last time.
  15. not me. drive further east and I can chill with you if you like
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