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    Enjoy OSBot

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  1. Hey I would like to buy a 50€ Psc or at least 20€ with 07 Cash. Just pm me if you are interested.
  2. I've been banned so often, just started a month ago a new PKer, which I'm training fully myself
  3. Enjoy

    Crafting 1-99?

    How long did it take?
  4. Enjoy

    Crafting 1-99?

    Hey guys, I'm just wondering what's the cheapest method to get to crafting 99 atm? Since GE is out I dont think you can make anymore profit by crafting.
  5. Hey I'm searching for a while now, for an 1 def pure or an 1 def staker.
  6. I heard some stories about mains getting banned without even botting on them and all the people explain that with " there is a chance of all your logged in accounts getting banned".
  7. Breaks are very important, for all tha newbs
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