I had someone else try to use the code on my account on their Ip and they got the same issue with my accounts only not his. For me it started with error 3 I think then onto error 15 then no page so maybe theres just some cooldown I have to wait out
I tried on vpns, proxies, my home IP. various browsers, my phone on home IP/data, flushing dns but keep getting 404 page not found. Ive used maybe 25 codes in the past month so I'm not pumping out accounts. Is this happening to anyone else?
I will add though eventually you can probably get it back if you wait a couple years and appeal...but if you bot on it again after you get it back and its banned you probably wont get another chance.
Yea, when I first started botting I would buy a script for each individual task i wanted. Then i realized you could do everything in script factory and haven't looked back.
This is the guide I followed, it worked well. The only thing I think it forgets to tell you is you also have to drag a copy of osbot into each sand box you make, so depending on how many clients you run you'll have a lot of windows open
What Im using is proxies of course, sandboxie and proxifier. You add all your proxies to proxifier then you drag the vanilla runescape client and osbot into each sandbox you plan to run and you are good to go. In this case the vanilla client would be connected to the proxy not OSbot. Good for avoiding chain bans or if you want to play your legit account with bots on the side. If you want more info or help setting it up PM me here or discord Im in the OSbot discord.
Using it today, ernest the chicken it would just spam click the poison instead of opening doors to get to it. Monkey madness it wouldnt bring the monkey speak amulet so it would just run to the end of the tunnel and when you check on it it would just be stuck there. I like the script but every time I used it I run into problems, there needs to be more checks.