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About Christophoros

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  1. Very nice! Yeah haha, I see why this haven’t been caught before I thought it could be a way to sort of bring down the intensity with which the account is played. Or to switch it up a bit. Not sure if it’ll have any effect really other than perfecting your script
  2. Hey Khal! I’ve been using this script for a while now, and it’s great! One thing, however, has caught my eye, and that is starting a break when splashing causes the logout event to keep trying to log out under combat. It would eventually log out when aggro is lost, but having a check for when this happens and then starting the break could be a way to do it. I hope you’ll consider looking into this :))
  3. Would be awesome! Thanks Have a great vacation
  4. Hey! When running the script using CLI with only Varrock Museum set to true it keeps standing around after completion. Would it be possible to have the script stop after gaining the experience? Thank you :))
  5. When starting the script with a full inventory that doesn’t contain coins or bones for gilded altar, it keeps trying to withdraw said items. It can’t of course because the inventory is full and is as such stuck in a loop trying to withdraw items to a full inventory. I used CLI to start the script with the following parameters: parameters=mode=gilded_altar_friends.bones=DRAGON_BONES.location=Rimmington.host_name=x.auto_find_host=true.bank_method=PHIAL.bones_from_bank=true.use_initial_teleport=true.idle_randomly=true.afk_every_min=5.afk_every_max=20.afk_for_min=10.afk_for_max=60 Logger shows nothing of interest. I hope you’ll consider having a look at this And I’m loving the script otherwise!
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