Hello, I'm joking with the title.
I want to introduce myself. I'm frotenvergen. I have been playing runescape since 2008 or 2009, when summoning and trade restrictions were implemented and you could only trade like 10kgp between accounts. I quitted when EOC was released and I came back to osrs when the pandemic began.
Outside of RS I really like MMA, I watch most of the UFC events and some fights in Bellator. Also I like to code some scripts and learn about car mechanics.
I want to build reputation inside the forums. My goal is to offer accounts ready for nightmare zone and blast furnace. I'm planning to sell my main account whenever the rsps "Zaros" gets released, since I will mainly be investing my time on the server.
Also I would like to take any jobs, if that is even possible. I would not charge a lot since my main goal is to build rep.
Do you have any suggestions on which account builds are good for selling in the OsBot fourms?.
I'm looking forward to any answers.
Thanks for reading.