I will give you all some helpful info. All proxies do is stop chain bans. Nothing else. Reasoning is below.
If you are botting one account and playing on a main account at the same time on 1 ip, there is no reason for you to use a proxy.
If you are botting 2 accounts at once on the same ip you're better off using proxies as your ban chance will be 2x as if you were running 1 account.
If you are botting 3 accounts at once on the same ip, your ban chance is 3x as if you were running 1 account.
Hence at once.
If you think this makes no sense; there is no difference in ban rates when you're botting agility or botting rock crabs or cutting trees. It's all the same.
For example, if you were botting 3 accounts on 1 ip and those 3 are doing agility, rock crabs and oak trees. If the oak cutter gets banned first, your agility bot and rock crabs are also banned. It's the same as if the rock crab account got banned first, you also lose the other 2.
When an account is banned, every other account from that ip that's logged in is going to be checked for botting and banned if it is.
Yes, I am saying that if you rotate accounts logged in at the same time you don't need proxies.
ip flags are not real. You can argue with me if you want to, but I don't give a shit and I wont reply, take this as useful information if you'd like as I think it's the only thing I will ever post that helps someone with bans.