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Scripter II
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Everything posted by Fruity

  1. Fruity

    Fruity NMZ

    Custom should mean that it doesnt change any of the settings, will find out why
  2. Fruity

    Fruity NMZ

    what selection do you pick in the gui? mtd, demon, guthan, custom?
  3. Fruity

    Fruity NMZ

    What potions, stuck in a dialog? mirror or stealth? Disable One Drive if enabled and move client to desktop, there is a client bug currently dev is trying to sus
  4. Fruity

    Fruity NMZ

    Thank you, if u wana add us on discord, will try help find the issue
  5. Fruity

    Fruity NMZ

    Can you screenshot the options you got selected for prayer for us
  6. Fruity

    Fruity NMZ

    Check the osbit logger, if its a permissions error let me know will hwlp you sort it. Since osbot dark theme, there is a bug with the osbot client, not script.
  7. Not ina real rush no, the account is collecting dust at the minute, be nice to put it to use
  8. Looking for someone to take this account: and get it to DS2 Completion inc stats (NO BOTTING, this acc has 0 black marks) Quests currently completed (36 QP): F2P: Doric's Quest Ernest the Chicken The Restless Ghost Vampire Slayer P2P: Animal Magnetism Client of Kourend The Depths of Despair Druidic Ritual Dwarf Cannon Fight Arena The Grand Tree Lost City Monkey Madness I Moutain Daughter Priest in Peril Tree Gnome Village Waterfall Quest I dont care what quests you do to get to 200 QP, pick whatever route you wish. Supplies will be on you, add it to the total cost. Will pay on completion, we can use a MM. Post prices below.
  9. 3.97 - Simplified Cloud Listener 3.98 - New equipment interaction during fight 3.99 - Improved interaction speed when interacting with inventory (alot smoother for mirror)
  10. Any mirror users: Working on updates to improve speed on mirror and think i have got a good fix in place for item switching and such. Would welcome any feedback on the next update. Using it myself currently and working very well. Will update when i push it
  11. Thank you for letting us know. If there are phases on rotations you felt dont work as well as they could, if you enable the 'Debug' on the GUI, it will display all the information about each phase as they happen, will let you rotation number, phase number, zulrah form, standing location etc, would have been able to amend but without knowing what needs improvement i cant change to a better solution. Will watch some more video's about mage only see if i can spot which ones could do with a tweak
  12. Hellos, i dont handle payments for this, may i ask why?
  13. Fruity

    Fruity NMZ

    Thank you, and yeah it will buy the 'Rewards Chest' potions but not the prayer and such, might be something i can add add a later date but not currently supported
  14. Token has found an issue with OneDrive and its permissions, disable that and move the .jar to desktop Do you have a jewellry box with duel ring and/or a glory on the wall? Pushed an update to update the values, should be sorted in 3.93!
  15. Refunds within 24hours of purchase are refundable if the script doesnt work as you'd like pending a refund request in the forum section UPDATES: 3.89 - Amended profit per hour string updates 3.90 - Added current executor to status string 3.91 - Updated deathwalking bank visibility/walking checks 3.92 - Disabling loot tracking also disables supply cost updating as this could also cause issues if price server is slow
  16. 3.87 - Added toggle to stop loot tracking, this can prevent it idling updating database 3.88 - Actually fixed break handler this time without fudging it up
  17. Fruity

    Fruity NMZ

    Move osbot jar to desktop, client issue not sure whats causing it as of yet in the paint, how many dreams did it say had been completed?
  18. for some it is, having 32bit java and disabling paint helps a ton though from asking around Thanking you, will see what i can find outs a quick fix for it exetremely unfortunate to get a ban so quick any other bots? pushed a few updates for break handler and also a few debugs in logs
  19. Fruity

    Fruity NMZ

    Will try find out why it aint selecting, might be a bounds issue. After you select the boss and enter, it should save your selection, right?
  20. Fruity

    Fruity NMZ

    Does it select any quests? When starting mirror do you start it the way i mention in OP? Used mirror for 75m xp currently no issue Will check the script, but if its interacting with aarg i think it should be waiting before walking back, can double check when i get home What type of dream? if it runs to vial and exits, does it say why in the logger? it should log the reason
  21. Can do magic only, on a pure? might be very slow kills but maybe possible, let me know if u try it Making Scripts is just a kill time, not looking to collab currently as i say, just something to do to relax atm
  22. Pausing the script will cause the script to not keep track of the phases, not sure why you would need to pause the script mid kill? God d'hide and ahrims, maybe mystics? trident of seas minimum, rune cross + diamond bolts or blowpipe Mirror mode is something im working on, disabling paint and such may help with fps issues and stuff, lowering reaction speed to 50ms. When i find fixes/workarounds ill update people Ibans doesnt work, no sorry. No trials but always ask before purchasing
  23. Fruity

    Fruity NMZ

    Should be able to save using the buttons provided, if you're getting read/write issues, please move osbot jar to desktop, weird client bug atm Disable paint, see if that helps Saving/Loading profiles? Guna look into the magic issue Sorry for delays, had a week vaca and the wifi was none existant
  24. Thank you for the report, the error reading the osbot jar is an odd one, for some users, if osbot is in the downloads folder, osbot will not work but once moved to the desktop it will. in your case it looks like osbot is already on the desktop. Think Pat is aware of the issue but is not aware on what is the cause as of yet. Maybe it will be patched soon. Will check the stams, iirc it should only be using a stamina when traveling, not when actually at zulrah so its an odd'n, can do a quick check thoughs. Mentioned in OP mirror is a bit sketch with Zulrah currently, attempts at adding workarounds have not yet been successful and unfortely the error logs never really seem to point at anything useful, if you enable debug mode, the script will spam alot more information into the logger and paint information on the screen if anyone is guna try this on mirror. can also click the (i) in the bottom left corner to open the status logger
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