Thank you for the report, the error reading the osbot jar is an odd one, for some users, if osbot is in the downloads folder, osbot will not work but once moved to the desktop it will. in your case it looks like osbot is already on the desktop. Think Pat is aware of the issue but is not aware on what is the cause as of yet. Maybe it will be patched soon.
Will check the stams, iirc it should only be using a stamina when traveling, not when actually at zulrah so its an odd'n, can do a quick check thoughs.
Mentioned in OP mirror is a bit sketch with Zulrah currently, attempts at adding workarounds have not yet been successful and unfortely the error logs never really seem to point at anything useful, if you enable debug mode, the script will spam alot more information into the logger and paint information on the screen if anyone is guna try this on mirror.
can also click the (i) in the bottom left corner to open the status logger