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Scripter II
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Everything posted by Fruity

  1. Thank you, will have a nosey it sends mouse clients to the client without sending the mouse movement, should look the same their end if your mouse moves of not, just helps get the switches in thank you for the report, ill had a PoH check, there is a chance the zulrah NPC gets stuck in the cache so just a case of adding extra checks whenever it gets in the way to avoid this Thank you for the report, should be a quick fix for this
  2. Fruity

    Fruity NMZ

    50 range with magic short bow (i) rune arrows is decent Currently the script break handler deals in # of dreams, if your dreams last 2 hours for example set it to break after 2 dreams for 15mins
  3. Fruity

    Fruity NMZ

    It does yeah Anyone running into issues with absorptions with the newest updates or are we all good now?
  4. Fruity

    Fruity NMZ

    Pushed an update regarding absorption points not being updated by config listeners, to workaround this I've moved the absorption point check to the loop itself when we're checking if we need to drink them, this could be the cause of the stalling issue not biting cake/drinking absorptions as it believes it should be drinking the pot. Im going to continue to run the script and im happy to jump on Teamviewer to view any issues you might be having just send us a pm on discord. On the bright side, bout to max the acc combat
  5. Fruity

    Fruity NMZ

    Thank you, im reading through the script with it running on the side to see if I can spot what might be causing it/what might be the issue either finding a slot or what not. If anyone having this issue wants to pm us on discord we can talk through settings I can try mimic your setups and see what I get. Currently testing mirror for a few hours, done a bunch on stealth
  6. Fruity

    Fruity NMZ

    Can I confirm if this is 3.61 you were running? your rock cake hp settings are 2-2? Thank you for the logs, will check the camera movement stuff make sure there no visible errors to get stuck with that glad it sorted for you No option for imbued heart on nmz, is on zulrah.
  7. Fruity

    Fruity NMZ

    its pushed, but it needs to be accepted, hopefully won't be too long
  8. Would recommend Trident of the Swamp if you can get it, rune crossbow with diamond bolts is good. Inventory use 4 karma, 2 p pots, 1 anti-venom+, 1 recoil in the inventory + 1 in your equipment worn. Other items other than void are just best you can get I'd imagine
  9. Fruity

    Fruity NMZ

    Think I may have spotted an issue regarding drinking, does anyone by chance have switching tabs enabled, or when it fails to drink, is the inventory not open? 3.61 - Potential fix for absorptions pushed, will keep m script running to keep an eye on it
  10. Fruity

    Fruity NMZ

    As mentioned above im running script to see what's going wrong. For those using absorptions, when it stops drinking, can you screenshot the paint where it paints the absorption information for us? may help see what's going wrong
  11. Fruity

    Fruity NMZ

    Thank you, im running the script atm with overload/absorptions to see if I can spot any issues, 2hrs in atm
  12. Fruity

    Fruity NMZ

    Could you let us know what setup you're using? in the osbot logger, does it say a reason why it is leaving the dream? iirc I have it log the reason
  13. Fruity

    Fruity NMZ

    Will have a nosey see what I can find out, don't believe I touched anything regarding when to drink/stop drinking on how it does the drinking in general, odd how it is not working now Will see what I can find!
  14. Fruity

    Fruity NMZ

    Hellos, would you be able to drop us a message on discord (Fruity#0001) to go through some debugs, looking at the width/height it doesn't appear to be finding the correct widget, looks way too wide, wondering what it might be grabbing
  15. Damn apologies, let me have a quick look for you! Fix has been pushed, my apologies hopefully it won't be too long before it is accepted, 4.31 is the new version number
  16. Fruity

    Fruity NMZ

    Pushing an update for NMZ today, will be v3.6 on the paint. Locator orb support, there is a checkbox in the rock cake options panel Fixed boss selection handle to correctly deselect/scroll/pick new bosses Sped up absorption potion sipping by having the script drink from 2-4 potions at a time (script picks randomly) Also, added 3 different slot rotations for the script to pick randomly Added my discord name/tag to the script gui if you need it. Let me know if anyone encounters any issues
  17. Will see if anything has been changed, should be recharging Just pushed an update to add Divine ranging/magic potion support, there is now a checkbox beside the quantity selector. if anyone wants to test and lmk if alls good when it is accepted
  18. Might be an email with the email I was using the send the emails as its been inactive for a while, will see what I cans us Trident of swamp + rune cross diamond bolts if you can't grab a blowpipe with addy darts. armour wise just w/e u can grab, void is good if you have it. Thank you, thought this had been fixed, will have a look see what might be causing it, can't remember if its my own method or osbot api method for this one.
  19. Fruity

    Fruity NMZ

    Thank you for letting us know, did it continue after the 30 odd secs? will have a nosey see what I can finds Currently no option to leave when out of overloads, it just ends when you run out of supplies and dies tbh, might be worth jigging up the inv after a few tests, not sure the best ratio for Zerkers personally, someone else might though
  20. Fruity

    Fruity NMZ

    Will look at bounty world hopping, should be an easy fix! UPDATE: v3.57 will have amended world hopping
  21. v4.23 (in script gui and also in the paint) has been pushed, look out for the number - fixes for charter If anyone has any issues, pm us at Fruity#0001 on discord, easier to go through some debugging with you to help narrow down the issue
  22. Fruity

    Fruity NMZ

    shall have a nosey at locator orb, possibly be a toggle in the rock cake options
  23. Pm us regarding your setup if you're stilll having this issue Checking the boat issue currently, fix to be pushed in the next hour or so hopefully accepted today, apologies for the delays Thank you, im looking into the issue regarding the charter currently. An update was pushed regarding the chatbox as if you're on resizable and have the dialogs hidden the dialogs are not displayed, looks like this has caused issues with other cases apologies for the delays, should be sorted today!
  24. When it dies and doesn't have a helm, do you know if this death is due to a dc or something? should init death walker if you get the message about dying in your chat. I could perhaps add a lil check, if you run out of 'x' and your at spawn bank init death walker or something If you were VIP yes, client restrictions, there are no script restrictions
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