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Scripter II
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Everything posted by Mysteryy

  1. Not gonna lie, I couldnt force myself to read it so I just pasted it so someone else could. l0l
  2. case BUY: if (inventory.isEmptyExcept("Coins")){ RS2Object Chest = objects.closest("Chest"); if (Chest.interact("Buy-food")){ sleep(random(600,800)); if (mouse.move(377, 130)){ sleep(random(600,900)); mouse.click(true); sleep(1000); mouse.move(364, 198); mouse.click(false); sleep(random(200,800)); } } }break; Readable code ^
  3. You cant log on to your account more than once, so no.
  4. You cant do this currently. This is something that the developers are addressing with the new client loading system.
  5. Are you trying to check if a trap fell? If so you only need to store one fallen trap. If you have a loop going, and you are constantly checking for a closest object (the fallen trap), say you have 2 fallen traps, it will store the first one, then you can operate on it, i.e. pick it up and reset it. Then the loop goes again checking for another fallen trap, you just set one, so there is one left on the ground, it will then store that one, you put it back up, and move on. You just need to check for one fallen trap. If you store multiple fallen traps you will over complicate your script unnecessarily. You cant operate on more than 1 fallen trap at a time anyway.
  6. I have never had a need to do this, but you can just store one: Entity ready = objects.closest(9345); Entity second = objects.closest(new Filter blah blah in this filter return false if the object.equals(ready));
  7. If they gave an ETA they would be setting their selves up for an execution if they didnt meet the deadline. Dont force them to give an ETA. :P
  8. Oh ok I just reread that. Do your logs execute?
  9. Well there are 360 possible degrees in the circle (obviously) and by the looks of it, your code will only execute on 4 of those degrees. 0, 90, 180, 270, or whatever you defined those 4 constants to be.
  10. Backwards. The game is being ran on the web browser, and is being mirrored on to the client. This allows for Runescape to be played in its native location (Your browser), but it will still allow the client to interact with the game, i.e. you can still bot even though the game is technically loaded in the web browser.
  11. Just tested strictly the moveYaw method, it works, its slow and jerky and doesnt go to the exact angle, but it works (kinda).
  12. Havent tried it, maybe show us the code you are using? I might check it out in a minute.
  13. Failed to run? I blame mald.
  14. Not gonna lie dudes funny as hell but.. COME GET EM MOTHER FUCKER
  15. Have you checked out a website such as: http://www.ibuypower.com/ This will just make it harder for you, but you can pick every part that you want and they will build it for you. :P
  16. I didnt see this get given out, is it still up for grabs?
  17. The current risk of botting is: Color: Purple Transparency: 82% HSV Color code for exact risk of a ban while using OSB: H = 284 S=74 V=61 I couldnt make that up.
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