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About Laurow

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  1. Can I have a trial please?
  2. Laurow

    Czar Barrows

    Can I get a trial please fellow Greece Civ V enjoyer?
  3. hey dude want to buy slayer script would love to trail it for cuple hours first tho . thank you !

    1. Laurow


      Hi, I don't have a slayer script, ask for a trial on one of the slayer scripts in the SDN :)

  4. Can I get a trial please?
  5. Hi, love your script but the CLI isn´t properly working when copied to the parameters (probably bc the CLI is too long). Could you maybe add the function to save your preset settings or to name your own CLI string?
  6. Yea I've tried proxychains but it ended up freezing my VPS lol, seems to not be so user-friendly. Will try the second one you mentioned, thank you
  7. Hello, I´m trying to find a Proxifier like program for my VPS´s who run on Ubuntu 16.04/18.04, since Proxifier doesn't support Linux and because I'm keen on running Mirror Mode. Hope someone has a solution to this
  8. Can I have a trial please, I'm keen on buying a Blast Furnace script but wanted to compare yours first to Khal's one
  9. Can I have a trial please? I'm keen on buying it
  10. Hello, can I have a trial daddy Khal?
  11. Yea my script hops worlds simultaneously, but when they're at world 463 or past it they keep getting stuck in a never ending cycle without hopping, whilst the code is literally the same as all previous worlds after triple checking it
  12. Hello, has anyone experiencing problems hopping worlds with their scripts? After today's update, my script wasn't able to hop past world 463/464 and every world past those. For all the "lower numbered" worlds it's still working perfectly, but I think the API below needs to get updates, since is might be buggy post-update getWorlds().getCurrentWorld()
  13. You'll eventually get banned, it's just a skill to enlarger the lifespan of your account, therefore try using: Not-heavily botted methods Findling low click intensity methods Private/selfmade scripts Residental proxies Some people convince others to use mirror mode for the cost of using more CPU, but I've got close to no bans with injection. Also just try a lot of stuff with accounts you're not willing to lose, trial and error + patience will get you very far
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