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Everything posted by PunishedAutoClic

  1. just tested this program called Exitlag and apparently it will fix my lag issues. As u can see, the ping is pretty avarage and it shows a completly different ip from mine , which is not shown on the image.. Would u guys say i still need to buy a proxy to completly mask my ip from yy44g3Xxx??
  2. thats what it takes my friend, the experience ! gl on ur next try and make sure u dont bot without good proxies
  3. managed to recover the acc. so no bans at all.
  4. im going back to csgo. at least i dont get banned and my money is well spent
  5. i was playing manually on 2 accs was bout to lunch so decided to try my first script and created an acc for it. finished tutorial island and started using fish script got banned on one of the legit accs, the one with higher total (110) the one that i used the script for like 5 minutes still there all same ip
  6. get brained on ! this happpened 2 me 2 times already, lost a 2000+ total acc and a 3 day old splashing acc
  7. lol im downloading some free scripts rn. lets see
  8. do you think y4g3$$X contacts isp to punish main accs ?
  9. nice lol. im not being banned but im getting a lot of accs locked after tutorial island . bad proxies i guess
  10. dont bot on it again. dont play on other accs u have botted before at the same time u are playing on it.
  11. Yup. Ban appeal denied. Literally got banned for splashing on rats. Yup. Ban appeal denied. Literally got banned for splashing on rats.
  12. 6 hours (thats when u auto logout): autoclicking 99 magic with high alch on my alt, some pretty dumb nmz scritps as well. i was kinda raging to get banned, cuz no matter how dumb my scripts were, i just didnt get ban. i got 85 mining on an uim , that acc had some stupid scripts and i just didnt get ban. its ridiculous. i had in mind that if i cheated on an acc and didnt get ban in about 1 week or 2 i was safe. so i decided to gear that autoclicked alt up and tank bandos for my main (which was 100% legit... 200m+ exp) already created a topic bout that but lemme tell u.. that was just not worth it
  13. yea i got 99 mage splashing on lumbridge rats. i thought about that as well. but who cares. theres no one relevant on jagex u can talk to. 4 months since i was banned on my main and alt. i was using a vpn called urban i got so used to play on that shit to be able to join csgo na serves that i just let it on all the time
  14. cool. i already appealed that ban and they said i may receiver futher answers. but for now im banned. and it wasnt an error. and this 3 day old splashing acc, i just appealed it.
  15. im poosting this here cuz at least to me it feels like an useful information. 4 months ago when my main got banned this was the only website where i could find answers. i was pretty sure i got banned because i was playing on a flagged proxy on that situation (free vpn), but now im almost sure i didnt even receive a manual ban, they ban for patterns. and my alt was like 99 str, 99 sdef, 1 rc, 1 hunter... regular gear, playing 10+ hours a day . im actually confused asf... and im here too because , based on the fact that i play csgo and me and everyone cheats when they want and dont get banned (''legit cheating) , i opened my eyes and figured it out i should start botting . and buy one of ur scripts. just never did that lol
  16. what do u mean? i bought a csgo aimbot once and that doesnt mean im using a 10 fov config if u know what i mean and btw, never used it on my main and this splash acc.
  17. just got ban on a 3 day old alt acc .. all i did on it was buy a goblin staff and splash on rat all day long. i have a fat ass, so i play all day long, idc. so i splash about 10+ hours a day, its a nice number right? something way more serious happened to me 4 months ago, when I was playing 10+ hours a day on my main and alt. i had the best osrs week of my life with 2 tbow split (trio cox). i got so rich that i pumped my 99 def alt up and bought gear and then i decided to duo bandos with myself. i got 2 bandos tassets saturday n sunday. i didnt even sell the gold ! woke up on monday to do it all over again and got banned on both accs. never ran a single script on my main and used macro recorder on my alt like one month before the ban. went to reddit, no one helped me ! jagex literally shit on me bro. i still have other accs and a new main which is 1800 total already, but lemme tell ya, jagex is banning for patterns, not for accurate detection.
  18. It is. But something manage to put emselves in a very comfortable situation using those programs.
  19. 2 day ban usually means that u get banned in the future. just use ur main as an alt at this pooint tbh.
  20. no problem in using VPNs at all but make sure you pay a good, local one .
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