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Everything posted by justselling1acc

  1. I also thought this...anyone know if this is still the case?
  2. I really like to stake and play for real on my ironman. Everything else is boring to me.
  3. good luck on getting that bond! I hope you achieve your goals
  4. Damn good luck brotha, I hope you achieve your goals!
  5. I think you would be safe with 100m increments if you are buying from a highly trusted seller. Also look to use a MM if you're unsure if the seller will be trustworthy.
  6. I think you should be okay if you're just transferring gp onto your other account...I've never heard of someone getting banned for trading their own gp over to another acc that is theirs.
  7. I understand you don't have a lot of time to grind out the skills, however, I really think that is the best way to do it because then the account is 100% yours. When buying an account you will always run the risk of having it recovered back, but I've never bought one before and have only sold and I can tell you that I never recover it back, however, that may not be the case with other people. Good luck!
  8. What mouse and keyboard recorders do you use? Are they easy to set up and operate?
  9. I would also like to know this. Does anyone have an answer?
  10. I'm not sure what level your account is, but what I usually do is to farm Zulrah for a few days and I have enough for 2 or 3 bonds.
  11. Lmao this is too funny to see. Every time I log in I see some shit like this
  12. Hey I would like a price check in OSRS GP on this account. Please look at the pictures below and let me know! Thank you! For some reason it won't let me upload the pictures directly... https://imgur.com/a/vAzcThU
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