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Everything posted by Kobybriant

  1. Script is great, only thing that need to be changed: [INFO][Bot #1][09/30 08:57:00 fm]: [PassSpearTrapEvent] - Passing spear trap [INFO][Bot #1][09/30 08:57:00 fm]: [PassSpearTrapEvent] - Passing spear trap [INFO][Bot #1][09/30 08:57:00 fm]: [PassSpearTrapEvent] - Passing spear trap [INFO][Bot #1][09/30 08:57:00 fm]: [PassSpearTrapEvent] - Passing spear trap [INFO][Bot #1][09/30 08:57:00 fm]: [PassSpearTrapEvent] - Passing spear trap [INFO][Bot #1][09/30 08:57:00 fm]: [PassSpearTrapEvent] - Passing spear trap [INFO][Bot #1][09/30 08:57:00 fm]: [PassSpearTrapEvent] - Passing spear trap [INFO][Bot #1][09/30 08:57:00 fm]: [PassSpearTrapEvent] - Passing spear trap [INFO][Bot #1][09/30 08:57:00 fm]: [PassSpearTrapEvent] - Passing spear trap [INFO][Bot #1][09/30 08:57:00 fm]: [PassSpearTrapEvent] - Passing spear trap is mentioned multiple times.
  2. Im trying to run CLI parameters with bottinghub manager but i can't seem to get it to work. How can i contact you to show you the problem, i already dmed you on discord but do you also have an discord server urself?
  3. I have the same problem as many , but i cant find any solutions for this problem Ive download the jagex launcher, logged in to my account, installed osrs, presses play, it launches the client, i open osbot in mirror mode but it doesnt attach it. what can i do
  4. What was the solution? I have same problem
  5. For me the script gets stuck on 2 points, 1 when it needs to refill watering can in falador. When i deselect use watering can, it sometimes het stuck at using herbs or allotments on tool leprachuan. Any ideas?
  6. Sorry i wan't my money back for this script, this isn't working at all. Please mention in your thread that this script needs babysitting.
  7. @PatrickCan u take a look into why the bot doesn't take any food? it needs babysitting because of it
  8. Sorry i didnt see you replied that quickly, Can i have another day trail?
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