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Everything posted by KookosPahkina

  1. Dunno if it was because of this script or just because ive been botting awhile, but i bought this yesterday and have used it about 5hrs in total now with 35min breaks after botting for an hour tops.. only temp ban though
  2. Any chance you will be adding icthlarin's little helper ?
  3. No, this script doesn't work in mirror mode anyways. Q: Does this script run on mirror mode? A: No, due to update-speed and audio listening technicalities, the script does currently not function properly on mirror mode. I am working on resolving this.
  4. welp got banned as soon as i got the firecape literally.. lol
  5. Failed 3 times so far with 43pray, 60 def, 72 range, blessed d hides, rune cbow, diamond bolts e had 12-16 super restores, 3 range pots and rest brews ran out of prayer always
  6. Can somebody suggest what kind of gear and inventory to have? Currently 70range 60 def
  7. Have u tried starting it in Grand Exchange for example so it can buy/get all the required items?
  8. Hey on the Perfect Fighter script the bot doesn't use the ice coolers on the desert lizards even though the "allow lizard ice cooler (slayer)" option is ticked.

    1. Czar


      Yep it has been fixed in v205 update of the script, it should automatically go live very soon (within 24 hours usually) :D 

    2. PKDealer


      czar i need u help me with the script, i cant make my acc to reequip anything after dead


  9. Awesome, thank you Love your script and you seem to be very responsive when people post on your topic, like me, i appreciate that
  10. Can't do Tree Gnome Village it keeps saying: Error: failed to withdraw items - Expected: Also please make the use of Stamina pots optional.. It's trying to take 9 staminas for tree gnome village... https://gyazo.com/a5ddd59bce37d27e73259f1bee9a415d ^ Inventory
  11. How am i supposed to get the bot to use magic if im setting the quests manually? I set the preset and it says to use fire strike for example but the bot doesnt withdraw any runes?
  12. If it burns all the Fishcakes in the RFD Pirate subquest the bot doesn't know how to continue anymore and is just stuck
  13. Yeah, can't wait for the update :P Love the script
  14. Description of bug(where, what, when, why): Inventory is full and tries to go to bank but it seems to get stuck at the pick lockable door at ardougne, just stands outside and keeps clicking on the door sometimes i just have to move abit to fix this and then it runs to the bank https://gyazo.com/4b3b540327de7687fba2e955791fae39 Log: - Your settings: Ardougne Mirror mode: No
  15. Could i get a trial please? Thanks
  16. Why is the bot spam clicking run?
  17. Yeah, got to wait for Osbot to update
  18. Is the bot working for y'all? It's not loading up for me, either says "bot initialization error" or gets stuck on Applying client injections/modifications... or a black screen
  19. Can't seem to get it to work for Warrior Womans.. just wont thieve them for some reason
  20. Possibility to get trial? Thanks EDIT: No need anymore, bought the script Got too impatient xD
  21. Hm i swear to god i tried this earlier but it didn't work :P Worked now though lol
  22. I can't seem to click on the Hide option? Whenever i click it, it just clicks thru it and my character starts running over there
  23. Could i have a trial please? Would like to try it out before purchasing it. Thanks
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