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Everything posted by luckylett123

  1. Hi Khal - could I get a trial on this?
  2. Requesting free trial on this
  3. @CzarAny plans to add infernal eels support?
  4. @CzarAny plans to implement a fix for crabs soon? I can post a log if needed
  5. Ammonite and sand crabs plugins currently not working, neither reaggro the crabs after ~10min.
  6. Hi all, This isn't directly related to the OSbot client, but just wanted to put this information out there in case anyone else is doing/considering something similar. Recently received a moderate bot busting ban for using a one click construction menu entry swapper plugin in conjunction with an AHK script (mapping keys 1 and 4 to a single key) for about two hours/day over about three days. I'm guessing that the auto detection software picked up the fixed interval between pressing the keys 1 and 4, and not the menu entry swapper plugin for one click construction. A few random number generator lines of code may have helped, but that pseudo-random variation in sleep could probably still be detected, and probably won't be using this in the future. I have seen a couple of forum posts discussing this, but just keeping everyone posted that AHK and/or menu entry swapper (?) bans are still alive and well. Wondering if anyone has any input on which portion the ban came from.
  7. @Chris, how is the myth's guild coming? Does it do POH/restore/myths cape teleports?
  8. Hi all and @Czar, Looking to use this for rune dragons in short spurts. Does anyone have experience with setting up the bot for this/anything I should know? I have mounted digsite pendants in POH and lithkren + full restore pool. Haven't actually tried it out yet, just wondering if anyone here as experience with using this for rune drags. Thanks
  9. Hi, What items do I need to have in the bank/inventory to use this script? Looking to farm allotments and flower patches. Does this script make its own compost or is that a prerequisite? Also, any general tips for making this run smoothly?
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