Hello there! soooo i quit RS same day EOC came out, and just now recently i started to play 07 on a new account. soo now i wanna sell my RS3 barrows pure because i will never use him again and need some 07 cash. NOTE: this account has never loged in 07, so if you wanna play 07 you need to start fresh.. 1. Pictures of the account stats
2. Pictures of the login details yes, i will give you the original email adress, and recovery questions are set at the moment, but i will give them of course, or if u want me to delete them i also can, but i think its a better idea if you change them yourself?
3. Pictures of the total wealth (if there is any) account has under 1m worth of random items. (used to have around 10mil when i quit but whips dropped from 2mil to 70k, and staff of light from 4mil to 100k, wtf..!?)
4. Pictures of the quests completed
5. The price you will be starting bids at 10m 07rsgp
6. The A/W (Auto-win) for your account 10m
7. The methods of payment you are accepting rs07 cash
8. Your trading conditions i will only go first on trusted people/mods/whatever, and if i dont trust you, you go first or we use a middleman that we both agree on
9. Account status already posted.
10. Original/previous owners AND Original Email Address im original owner and the original email is locked, but yeah i can give it away and change to yours.