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MK2 Dunx

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  1. MK2 Dunx

    Stealth Quester

    @Token Are you willing to share which and when you maybe are planning to add some more quests?
  2. MK2 Dunx

    Stealth Quester

    Deffo recommend this script helped me with multiple accounts! Haven't encountered a single issue since purchase.
  3. i've botted 3 accs to 93 Hunter in the last months. I used the format 45mins running then break then again 40 orso minutes.
  4. Have been using this on my main and alts. No bans yet
  5. What is the gp per hour with this script?
  6. @Czar Wil you be adding Zeah runecrafting to this script in the near future?
  7. Method seems to be highly botted already. Not sure if it is worth it IMO.
  8. i got banned for 2 days on a 1800+ttl acc for using AHK. After like 1 hour of using it.
  9. Bought this script and I can definetly vouch that it is the way to go if you want to bot hunter.
  10. It all depends but personally i wait around 5 days to put some wealth back on the account.
  11. Not sure about this issue but i buy and sell loads of gp weekly on a mule/main (with 1900+Total level) Been doing the same for 4 months now. Maybe use a higher level account that wouldnt look suspicious?
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