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Everything posted by asdttt

  1. That particular library will not work straight out of the box on OSBot due to OSBot's restrictions and therefor can't be shaded in by maven without complications. You'd need to manually move the source files (Starting from the root) into your project root (Source root, not randomly placed). Then you'd need to manually replace all the code violating OSBot's permissions such as reflection, Robot, ect. Anything that prevents you from loading the library properly.
  2. Idk why so many OSBot people create new instances of MethodProvider. Why don't you just use dependency injection, inject your already existing MethodProvider, then call directly from that..? For instance: class Bla { private MethodProvider methodProvider; public Bla(MethodProvider methodProvider) { this.methodProvider = methodProvider; } public void bla2() { methodProvider.callSomeUselessFunction(); } } Then to create that object instance, new Bla(methodProviderInstance);
  3. Eh there were some bugs on some of the unstable builds, maybe that lead to your ban. Really no reason to use none-stable builds unless the development builds contain something you need or a well needed fix.
  4. Going to make a mechanism to physically click my mouse on an interval set by gears. GL Jagex
  5. True, but that's just the only thing that popped into my head when thinking about events fed to the JVM. I never thought of Jagex deploying anti-cheat similar to EAC so it never crossed my mind they'd check for whether the input was hardware or not. It seems silly that they'd put all this work into their anti-bot and not expand outside of the JVM but I just can't find any leads, and neither can anyone else (Or they're just being silent about it..). Or even what they'd use to load the native binaries to begin with (Without it being obvious/exposed easily)..
  6. There's a delay between mouse press and the mouse release event on a normal mouse, 99% of autoclickers such as Gary's Hood execute both events instantly whereas mine delays it within the bounds of a normal mouseclick (Around 50-100MS generally). Here's their code checking for that: https://github.com/zeruth/runescape-client/blob/master/src/Client.java#L3371 Yeah it's a simple thing sure, but it's important. Edit: Wrong code clip posted, I'll find the correct 1
  7. Well my shitty C++ autoclicker obviously doesn't bypass lower level checks, but it's still possible. If you came directly from the HID stack, then what can they do? RawInput check? Nope. Just saying it's possible to bypass, not saying I solved it lmao. I just couldn't find any evidence that they were using such checks is all I mean.. I mean, can you..? Has anyone?
  8. 1) Post a method you can detect it within the JVM using pure javacode. NO cheating ?. It was made to bypass that one check I found within their code, which it does. The same check that just so happens to catch both the programs that you mentioned. Never have I claimed you can't detect it outside of the JVM.. Not sure why I have to keep repeating myself. Within the JAVA VIRTUAL MACHINE, the events are no different to that of a normal mouse. OUTSIDE the java virtual machine, that is not the case. Chill ffs 2) Whatever you're injecting could easily be detected, so why does it even matter if the injector it's self is detected lol. 3) "unless it is to remap a key to any other button" - Which would be detected as "emulated". A pretty massive portion of OSRS remaps mouse keys to their keyboard keys for efficiency. Idk if you understand the extent of sendInputEvent's use over various gaming/utility programs. And people to this day still use AHK, or mouse recorder at very low banrates surprisingly. And once again, it's not difficult to mask the fake clicks (Which there's already a hook for). There's other alternatives to spoofing hardware clicks, or even creating your own hardware/driver to send ACTUAL hardware clicks so it'd come directly from the HID stack which would bypass even a rawinput check. If you can provide evidence that they detect SendInputEvent, I will drop my argument completely and leave you be. You claim to be this amazing programmer, so prove it..? And do you honestly believe that the only reason OSBot is being detect is based off it's fake clicks....? You really don't think that the mouse movement is flawed? You think as a human, that movement is reproducible? Wtf -Btw, seen your blog. Nothing a programmer straight out of a university couldn't achieve lol. Tone down your ego
  9. Really cool idea with the master/worker thing
  10. Yeah and he's absolutely right, but I never claimed it was undetectable from outside the JVM. If they execute native code to detect my input, then it's no longer inside the JVM and would be OS specific. That's allll I meant. But hey, at least I didn't create a resource injector and call it "Stealth Injection" - which WOULD be detectable from the JVM. Come on man. He's an orange. Can't trust 'em
  11. Just to clearify on the thing about autoclickers.. He had claimed that they detected both "Gary's Hood and AutoHotKey", which he then claimed are detected through the usage of windows input API. My tests however showed that both those autoclickers had a major flaw, that being that they had 0 delay from mouse click, to release. Which is impossible on a normal mouse, which i provided some proof samples for too. I then showed the code that Jagex uses to both log, then send the mouse press->release delays to the server. It's an INCREDIBLY common anti-cheat check and I'm not surprised Jagex uses it. I then made an autoclicker, and corrected the flaw stating that it'll no longer be detectable on the JVM level (Which runescape's ran on, and assuming they don't load any code that could hook into windows API - which there's zero evidence of). So there is clear proof that Jagex could easily detect BOTH those autoclickers through means of their press->release timing logging.. Unless he's able to get banned using my autoclicker which fixes that issue, I don't think they use Inputevent's. I ran it for the night on my "main" (Only 3 weeks old ), using it to splash on a rat to get some easy magic XP. So about 7-8 hours of runtime and no ban - yet. And yes, my autoclicker still used InputEvent. Alek's absolutely correct by saying it is possible to detect emulated clicks/mouse on from low level code, but it's still possible to hide the flags using a hook, which I posted one that was already made for evidence (There's also ways to spoof a hardware click, but it's not easy). That would also only work for windows, and they'd need a different check for OS's like Linux since it's different API. I had never really thought of them using native code to escape the VM so it's a new thing I'll just need to search for and I'm glad he pointed that out. Maybe just a misunderstanding, maybe he just fucking hates my autoclicker lmao
  12. Well I can tell you didn't read the initial post otherwise you would of seen all the proof I've already posted... They send mouse movement, I posted their code that's on the client for that. It's also a defined packet, and is required if you decide to make a custom server. If you saw the mouse movement samples I posted, then you could see that they're very visible flaws and shouldn't take long to fix.
  13. It's not really a matter of what the mouse movement means for anti-bot. Here's what we know: 1) They're sent the mouse movement 2) OSBot's mouse movement has a few nearly 100% constant flaws in nearly every movement. I've shown a sample that I got from grabbing the same mouse movement, on the same tick as Jagex and simply got the delta between each element to detect the flaws. Mouse movement detection is a lot simpler then you'd think. Hell, you could calculate if the movement has any deviation just by checking angles lol. If mouse movement is only 1% of their detection, it should still be a priority to fix it. This wont magically solve bans, but it'll be 1 step in the right direction for sure. There's NOTHING we can do to magically solve getting banned because it's no sole check. It's a network of checks, and even what appears to be a TIER'd detection system.
  14. Huh......? We can figure out what data we're sending them................................ It doesn't matter if they use it for their anti-bot or not.................................................................. And yeah, maybe they do have a SendInput check somewhere, but I or anyone else sure as hell can't find it yet. I'll keep probing though..
  15. Yeah tons of proof all over the internet lol. I've even linked the code directly. I mean that's the first step in making a bot, figuring out what you need to spoof. So it's a very talked about subject. Although there's no proof or indication they load any .dll file with the capability of tracking emulated mouse click flags. They also have said that you ARE allowed to re-map mouse keys. You are allowed to remap your mouse key to your keyboard key, which would then use SendInput API. Like I told Alek, my mouse is broken from being dropped, so that's literally my only option until I get a new mouse. It'd be ridiculous for them to ban over re-mapped keys. Go look around on youtube, it's a VERRRRY popular thing to remap your mouse to your keyboard for efficiency. However, if they do detect emulated mouse clicks, then all of this botting is actually secretly allowed by Jagex, but they don't allow you to abuse it too long. It'd also pick up on macro recording, which that one guy with all 99's bypasses with (Too lazy to link, but I think you know). No other explanation really..
  16. Your. Signature. Is. The. Same. As. Most. Signatures. You. Are. Using. .GIF.
  17. No. shit. Do you expect me to use a driver? Create something to send inputs from an actual device from the usb? And why bother when there's no evidence they check for sendInput lmao. Kinda seems you're a bit triggered that the bot you spent years working on* can be detected with little effort lmao. Can't even put together a reasonable response with proof. But keep going off topic, whatever makes you feel better
  18. Sorry but nothing beats Wendy's 4 for $4 meal.. Double stack, small fry (Changable to salad too!), drink, and 4 peice chicken nugget for $4?! How can you beat that..?
  19. No but you obviously have a severe reading disability. There's no proof they check for sendInput, only mouse press->release and other JAVA mouse events. Gary's hood has a delay of 0 MS. As simple as that Here, I'll just repost it. Read it slowly Argument #1: There's ZEROO evidence Jagex checks mouse clicks from a low level point. BUT, there is evidence they do from a HIGH level point. That point being the delay between press and release, and a few other minor details. (Which the majority of autoclickers have a delay of 0) Proof: https://github.com/zeruth/runescape-client/blob/master/src/Client.java#L3371 Please give me evidence that Jagex checks for emulated mouse clicks please since you're clearly one of the best programmers to have ever lived. Argument #2: There's literally already a hook to hide indication of the mouse emulation (Multiple on the forum, just look around): https://villavu.com/forum/showthread.php?t=115467&p=1367229#post1367229
  20. I never claimed it's undetected, simply that it'd be undetected from high level language. OF COURSE IT IS DETECTED FROM NATIVE CODE. IM NOT DENYING THAT? Let's get off the topic of my fucking autoclicker lmao And why'd you ignore everything I said, including the fact that the only native code they HAD (I can't find any trace of it anymore), contained an empty callback..? Also the fact that people have already found ways to mask the detection.. Edit: HOWEVER, Gary's hood is VERY EASILY detectable from java code.. That was my point... Edit2: And let's go by this. There's ZEROO evidence Jagex checks mouse clicks from a low level point. BUT, there is evidence they do from a HIGH level point. That point being the delay between press and release, and a few other minor details. Please give me evidence that Jagex checks for emulated mouse clicks please since you're clearly one of the best programmers to have ever lived
  21. The only source I could locate relating to actually detecting virtual mouse clicks on a low level would people on random forums from 4 years ago claiming there was a "Jaclib.dll" file included in OSRS which apparently contains a check for the mouse. However, it's clearly unfinished and the callback is empty so they appear to have never implemented it. Like I said above, certain mice allow programming keys which use SendInput. If they banned soley on SendInput there'd be zero bypassers, no autoclick bypassing, and most likely false bans from people using software for clicking (More common then you think..). Info on it: https://villavu.com/forum/showthread.php?t=115467&p=1367229#post1367229 Here's apparently a bypass too: https://villavu.com/forum/showthread.php?t=115467&p=1367229#post1367229
  22. Unless I misunderstood you, here's the stacktraces: https://pastebin.com/f8qJbbDp Nothing out of the ordinary.
  23. If I sent input from my autoclicker to a java application, you think it'd be visible on the stacktrace? I'm not exactly sure what I'm suppose to be looking for? I'll try it out I guess?
  24. Ok but you still need to call native code so chill. JVM alone can't suddenly detect it. You'd need to execute native code, therefor it's not detectable on the JVM it's detectable on lowlevel.
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