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Everything posted by asdttt

  1. Do you bot moneymaking scripts? That's all I'm concerned with tbo. I haven't ever got banned for combat botting, although I never bot that for over an hour I feel like Jagex 100% tracks mouse movement / mouse delta. It wouldn't make sense otherwise. If that's true, then OSBot's mouse movements would be very detectable due to it's VERY consistent DPI patterns. What if Jagex's detection method detects you within minutes, and simply delays bans based on bottime to further hide the simplicity of their detection systems. I've seen people bot 10 hours a day with a custom bot and never get banned. There's more to this then we're lead to believe... Custom scripts aren't enough to prevent bans, only delay by 1-2 days at most. It makes 100% sense that Jagex would target moneymaking scripts mostly to maintain the economy and somewhat "Allow" other botting such as combat botting to further confuse us and distant us from our understanding of their data analyzing methods. I believe complete that our scripts are, for the most part, detected by mouse movement. If not that, then the client - but delaying the ban until the user farms a crazy amount of resources. Edit: The mouse movement is also pretty unrealistic if you draw it out for visual reference compare to a real user. WAAAAY too random, and not smooth like a normal user without Parkinson's lol Edit2: Yup, the client tracks mouse movement: https://github.com/zeruth/runescape-client/blob/master/src/MouseRecorder.java#L40 on a 50MS tick basis. Collects a sample of 500 then ships it off to the server https://github.com/zeruth/runescape-client/blob/master/src/Client.java#L3298. I 100% garantee OSBot's mouse pattern is detected. If it's not detected as a bot's, then they probably compare samples with samples of when you were not botting (Like tut island). That being said, it's possible "random" mouse movements actually feed the server MORE data to ban you based off of. That's still based on my speculation that Jagex is onto OSBot's "human like" mouse movements though Edit3: If I have time tomorrow, I'll try to provide some test results regarding OSBot's mouse pattern and whether it's easily detectable by means of improbable DPI, pattern, or being too inconsistent.
  2. Just as @Apaec said above, you are not suppose to/don't need to extend your "main". Basically you're creating a new "main" instance when you create a new TutorialIsland instance because it's defined as a subclass of "main". So the "log" function is most likely causing a nullpointer because being that "TutorialIsland" is now a subclass of "main", it contains all of it's own objects that require initialization/setting. What you should instead do is something called "dependency injection". To do that, you simply need to pass the reference of "main" into "TutorialIsland" so you can then use it's methods. Here's a basic example: tutisland = new TutorialIsland(this); //this = "main" public class TutorialIsland { private main main_; //Where we store the reference public TutorialIsland(main main_) { this.main_ = main_; } public void handle() { main_.log(getConfigs().get(281)); } } I also HIGHLY recommend you keep class names starting with a capital letter. Read up on Java Naming Conventions, it'll help you keep your code looking pretty: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/java-naming-conventions/
  3. The first function uses higgghly optimized draw functions to create the rectangle, and uses less memory as your image would require to be stored in OldGen and never be collected by the garbage collector. It's by far more efficient then drawing an image. Both are still very efficient however and wont make a noticeable performance impact on your script. As for your second question regarding option 2. "Main.class.getResourceAsStream("/resources/background.png")" is grabbing your "background.png" directly from the loaded jar. It is not downloading anything that wasn't already streamed to the client. So in terms of "cacheing" it, it already exists in memory and therefor I guess you could say it's cached. Tl;Dr: Use BufferedImage if you'd like to create a more advanced/pretty background using an image. Use Option 1 if you just want something very fast, with little to no memory overhead. Either way, both are very efficient.
  4. Probably stupid to ask, but did you try to fully remove ALL of your previous OSBot? I'm assuming you have such dated config/settings files that it's screwing with the draw function.
  5. Probably everyone already knows this one, but proxies/vpn's that are blacklisted as so on OSRS put you into a higher detection algorithm and therefor possibly lead to a faster ban, assuming your script isn't already quickly picked up. Either a higher level detection algorithm, or the heuristic checks flag at lower levels vs ISP IP addresses. Tested this on 2 VPN alts, and 2 ISP alts (Both ISP IP's being different of course). Neither one of the ISP alts got banned for 5 hours of botting clay whereas both the VPN's got banned. Also had 6 hours breaks every 2 hours and 30 minutes. Maybe just a coincidence, maybe real.
  6. Idk why everyone on here acts like botting is such a difficult task. A 12 year old could do it. Even if you script a bot, OSBot does all the hard work for you. You really think "vein.interact("Mine")" requires extreme botting experience? And if experience is so important, why am I able to bot longer then a good amount of people on here? If you read what I said (Clearly you didn't), I simply implied it's a possibility as the majority of other anti-bot/hack software deploys such tactics including VAC which is a very known anticheat program used by Steam. Asking for consent is as easy as wordplay inside your terms. Also checking for the active threads on the VM instance doesn't require consent you moron. The client is obviously detected in injection mode, and mirror doesn't seem any different. There's clearly levels of detection on OSRS and having an unofficial client appears to put you into a higher level. Back in the older days, they used to put fake functions inside their code that'd trick you and get you banned. They've obviously still have some detection method for figuring out what client you're on and to say otherwise is stupid.
  7. As for this "mirror mode".. Jagex could still query tasks for other VM's and simply read the program name. This, believe it or not, is a very popular method of detection and is even used in VAC. A common method to battle it is to simply change the name of the program every bootup. That's once more just speculation however. As for injection, I'd say the easiest way to detect "stealth injection", without having to do any hashcoding, would be to just grab the list of threads. OSBot creates many threads for it's botting
  8. Ended up just using webwalker and haven't had any problems. Still would really like to just use the "walkPath" utility though.. Getting some serious randomness from webwalker though, which is nice... but at times it's random to the point I'm running inefficient trails (In terms of Gold per hour)
  9. For whatever reason, every once in awhile OSBot fails to walk my pre-defined path (Slight randomization, only up to 1 tile change max). I've also seen it click tiles next to the tiles it was made to walk to for whatever reason. It's a random occurrence Here's the basic code: Position[] toBank = { new Position(3181, 3372, 0), new Position(3182, 3380, 0), new Position(3178, 3391, 0), new Position(3172, 3402, 0), new Position(3172, 3415, 0), new Position(3175, 3430, 0), new Position(3183, 3436, 0) }; mineBot.getWalking().walkPath(Arrays.asList(toBank)); Bugs on: new Position(3172, 3415, 0) https://i.gyazo.com/6a915e387a3ee3340de841e43c62e153.mp4
  10. Just a weird thought that jagex tracks mouse movement, and when your mouse randomly appears from X to Z without the DPS movement, it's flagged. Idk if it's true, but it's always good to be safe. And no the mouse remains for whatever reason
  11. Hey I was wondering if there's a script stop event, like when you press STOP on the OSBot client? I found onExit, but I'm assuming that's when the entire process stops? Nvm, my dumbass forgot to hit refresh. My question now is, how would I move the mouse outside the screen? It appears before "onExit" is invoked, mouse is disabled? I have no idea how this doesn't work: @Override public void onExit() throws InterruptedException { mouse.moveOutsideScreen(); MineBot.sleep(2000); log("Exited bot"); super.onExit(); }
  12. Exactly my point. So why, instead of taking breaks, we don't just figure out exactly why we're being detected all together. As others have pointed out, I AM new, I just posted my test results to hopefully help others in tuning their anti-anti-macro. Why delay bans, when we could avoid bans
  13. I'm not denying breaks work, and I never even brought up proxies. Just claiming that breaks simply reduce sample sizes, but your still playing with fire and will get banned soon - unless you bot like 2 hours a week... I'm just annoyed that all this bad advice, and basically SCAMS that are being widely accepted on this forum. DO you really think checking your fucking stats is going to throw off the macro checks...? I'm sure many of you have private scripts that don't flag macro checks, but all the ones for sell on the store here are making 100% false claims about their "anti-ban" software.
  14. asdttt


    I just use: Never reset my HWID
  15. I'm a new botter to this generation and platform, but before this new anti-macro software back with p****bot, I had a good amount experience. I keep being told by everyone that "oh if you run the script and take breaks you wont get banned!" but it's retarded. I have no idea why that saying so so common here. Jagex isn't going to base their heuristics checks on playtime, or any other unstable variable like that. Literally all these shitty scripts make the same mistake, their patterns are INCREDIBLY obvious. Are you telling me it's really that difficult to randomize your tickrate, click-rate, and path tiles around..? Longer you play, obviously cleaner/larger the sample to feed to the heuristic checks. I was just so surprised to come to this community and witness the banrates on PAID scripts. It's ridiculous that everyone on here is purposely using basic patterns when it'd take probably an extra hour adding some level of randomization and more realistic script-tick behavior. Do you people just store an array of tiles and click those tiles in order from 0->length? Lol... Edit: On the side note, the API on this client is very clean and packed with a crazy amount of features. I can see why p****bot is dead now lol
  16. If your scripts have zero randomization/runs on a consistent tick-rate then yes they're shitty.
  17. Been testing out a bunch of scripts on this website and I've come to a conclusion.. They're all very very easily detected and follow very very simple patterns. Jagex isn't banning you because you botted 6 hours in one day, they 100% are detecting your script within 30 minutes of using it and just delaying the ban until you bot longer either to gather more evidence, or perform even more accuracy pattern checking on larger samples. Why do you think they limit selling raw resources like iron ore in the beginning of the game. Jagex is basing their actual detection on variables that are impossible to false. Yes, bot-time effects when you'll be banned - or even if you'll be banned, but it doesn't stop the fact that your script IS detected. Couple of variables I've noticed that drastically effect ban-rates: Movement pattern. ALL the scripts on here I've used follow the EXACT same movement pattern. From tile->tile, whether it be escaping an attacker, or banking your items. If a bot moves in the EXACT same movement pattern for hours on end, there's no way a human could reproduce that. How to fix this pattern? Simply use webWalking. Surprisingly enough, it appears to fully bypass so long as you're not CONSTANTLY using it as it too has flawed mouse movement that is easily detectable. Click-rate / click-pattern. Some scripts click resources at a VERY FAST rate for hours on end with zero change. The very tick an empty ore turns into a resource it'll click away. Another thing I've noticed is scripts will instantly left - then right click the correct tag within milliseconds. It appears not to ban for consistency, but rather speed/flawed-click. Lucky for us, OSBot properly executes clicks. As long as you're not clicking very rapidly for prolonged periods, this wont autoban. Mouse DPI. Mouse DPI is very easy to flag for OSBot. It has major flaws: Speculation: Stealth Injection / Mirror mode It doesn't matter whether you use stealth injection, or mirror mode. I'm sure jagex can tell whether you are using an unofficial client, but they don't appear to ban based solely on the client. Neither mode will get you banned so long as your scripts are well made (No paid/vpn/free scripts that I've seen are able to bypass, although it IS possible on OSBot, and I'm sure someone on here is selling private scripts that bypass). I've searched through the RS code many times and very closely and only located debug code that COULD be used to stealth injection. Here's my post about that: Jagex wouldn't ban on speculation, so stop assuming they're banning on stupid variables like whether or not you're taking breaks (Not saying to bot an unhuman amount, just saying breaks don't avoid bans if you're detected). Yes, longer you bot, faster the ban. BUT - you ARE being detected using these shitty scripts so don't believe otherwise.
  18. asdttt


    Script appears to be fully detected by means of pattern detection. It moves in the exact same movement pattern every-time the bot is hit, or when it's returning to the bank. Exact tile, by tile. I haven't tried mirror-mode, but that's simply because I've botted for weeks before on stealth with zero bans. This is the only script (AND PAID) that gets me auto banned. I'm POSITIVE it has to do with the movement pattern because my previous minerbot from p****bot didn't have basic patterns like this one. I haven't been able to bot without getting a ban the next day no matter what I do. It seems to be detected within an hour of botting. I've used dedicated VPN IP's ONLY. Only 1 STATIC IP per account. Testing cases: Method: Stealth Injection Account combat level: 40+ Quest-points: 2 Bot-time: 6 hours Mining level: 42 Break time: Every 2 hours, 20 minute break Ban time: After one day of use Location: East Varrok, West Varrok, Al-Karid (Banned) Method: Stealth Injection Account combat level: 3 Quest-points: 6 Bot-time: 4 hours Mining level: 34 Break time: Every 1 hour, 10 minute break (Random break time) Ban time: After one day of use Location: West Varrok Method: Stealth Injection Account combat level: 6 Quest-points: 0 Bot-time: 8 hours Mining level: 45 Break time: Every 1 hours, 30 minute break Ban time: After one day of use Location: West Varrok
  19. Is this safer then the free version? I always get banned on the free version
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